Hsiang-Yi Wu

Hsiang-Yi Wu

Associate Professor, Department of Psychology

Director, Positive Psychology Center

Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan

Cell:+886 918382534



2006 – 2013 PhD. Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling,

National Taiwan Normal University, R.O.C (Taiwan)

2004 – 2006 M.A. Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling,

National Taiwan Normal University, R.O.C (Taiwan)


2018 – Present Associate Professor, Department of Psychology

2019 – Present Director, Positive Psychology Center

Kaohsiung Medical University, R.O.C (Taiwan)

2014 – 2018 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology

Kaohsiung Medical University, R.O.C (Taiwan)

Jan.-Aug. 2011 Visiting Doctoral Student, Positive Psychology Center

University of Pennsylvania (U.S.)

2008 – 2010 Lecturer, National Hsinchu University of Education, R.O.C (Taiwan)

2002 – 2014 Teacher and Counselor, Nei-Hu elementary school, R.O.C (Taiwan)


Lin H. C., Wu, H. Y.*, Chiu F. C., Zhou Z. Y.(2019) The Effect of Different Kinds of Gratitude on Creativity: Regulatory Focus Motivation as Moderator Variable. Journal of education & psychology, 42(3)., 55-77. [TSSCI]

Wu, H. Y., Chen, G. Y., Liao, S. H., Liu, C. H., Shieh B. L.(2018) The Development and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the “New Inventory of Adolescents’ Strengths”. Psychological Testing, 65(4), 367-398. [TSSCI]

Wu, H. Y., Chang, S. L., Hsiao, S. C., & Chien C. L. (2018) From Gratitude to Bliss: The Mediating Effect of Resilience on the Relationship between Gratitude and Mental Health. Bulletin of Educational Psychology.[TSSCI]

Wu, H. Y., Chen, W. Y., & Shieh B. L. (2018) 30 years of forgiveness studies: Its constructs and measurements. The Journal of Kaohsiung Behavioral Sciences.

Wu, H. Y., Kung, F. Y. H., Chen, H. C., Kim, Y. H. (2017). Academic Success of “Tiger Cubs”: Self-Control (not IQ) Predicts Academic Growth and Explain Girls’ Edge in Taiwan. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 8(6), 698-705. [SSCI]

Wu, H. Y., Hsin, Y. Z., Chen, W. Y., Chien, C. L., & Jone K. Y. (2017). Effects of Gratitude Program on Gratitude, Well-being and Resilience of the Undergraduate students. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 49(1),23-41. [TSSCI]

Lu, Y. Y., Wu, H. Y.*, Chen, H. C., Lin, H. L., & Chang, Y. L. (2016). The Analysis of Situational Positive Discipline Strategies by Positive Discipline Awarded Teachers. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 48(2),159-184. [TSSCI]

Lin, H. L., Wu, H. Y.*, Wu, C. L., Chiu, F. C., Chen, H. C., & Chen, H. J. (2015). Development and Validation of the Chinese-Version "Future Time Perspective Scale"for Elementary School Students in Taiwan. Psychological Testing, 66(2), 153-179. [TSSCI]

Chen, H. Y., Wu, H. Y., Chen, H. C., Hsu, C. C., & Chiu, F. C.(2013). The Development and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the “ Inventory of Adolescents’ Gratitude” in Taiwan. Psychological Testing, 60(3), 599-626. [TSSCI]

Wu, H. Y., Chen, H. C., Chiou, F. C., Hsu, C. C.& Hsu, Y. F. (2008). Effects of Optimism Training Program on Optimistic and Pessimism Beliefs of Fifth Grade Students. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University, 53, 193-221. [TSSCI]

Wu, H. Y., Lin, Y. N., Chen, H. C., Chiou, F. C. & Hsu, C. C. (2008). The Verification and Measurement of the Bi-Dimensional Construct of Optimism-Pessimism. Psychological Testing, 55, 559-589. [TSSCI]

Lin, Y. N.& Wu, H. Y.(2008). Information Privacy Concerns, Government Involvement, and Corporate Policies in the Customer Relationship Management Context. Journal of Global Business and Technology, 4, 79-91.

Chiou, F. C., Chen, H. C., Hsu, C. C., Wu, H. Y., Cho, S. L. (2008). The Impact of Implicit and Explicit Factors on the Performance of Creativity Tasks. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 50, 125-145. [TSSCI]

International Academic Presentation

Liao, S. H., Lai, Y. S., Chen, J. C., & Wu, H. Y. (2019). Unlocking Well-Being in Chinese Culture: The Development of the Adolescent Well-Being Scale in Taiwan. Poster session presented at the meeting of 6th World Congress on Positive Psychology 2019, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia.

Chang, S. L., Wu, Y. Y., Chen, R. T., Wu, H. Y. (2019 October). What appeals to them? Critical elements affecting Taiwanese old adults’ playing experiences in the board games. Poster session presented at the meeting of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chang, S.L., Armenta, C. N., Chen, M. H., Wu, H. Y., Chen, W. Y., Lyubomirsky, S. (2019 March). Discerning the nuance: The varied effects of gratitude letter intervention on Taiwanese nurses. Poster session presented at the meeting of the International Convention of Psychological Science, Paris, France.

Chen, L. C., Chen, M. H., Hwang, E. C., Huang, Y. H., Sun, L. C., Wu, H.Y. (2018, August). Unexpected Impact of Gratitude Visit: Uncovering Crying Behavior in Taiwan. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Conference on Education and Learning, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.

Chen, C. I., Wu, Y. Y., Lin H. L., Liu Y. Y., Wu H. Y. (2018,June). Learning From Excellent Nurses: A Qualitative Study Of Effective Strategies To Overcome Common Troubling Situations .Paper presented at meeting of International Conference on Positive Psychology and Wellbeing, United Kingdom, London.

Lin, H. C., Chen, Y. H., Chen, I. Y., Lin, I. M., Wu, H. Y. (2018, June). The Effect of Heart Rate and Blood Pressure on Different Kinds of Gratitude. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Positive Education Network, Fort Worth, Texas.

Chang, S. L., Wu, H. Y., Lien, W. C. (2018, May). Knowing the nuance: Self-control and grit are separable as determinants of students’ academic success as well as predictors of positive psychological factors. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.

Wu, H. Y., Hsin, Y. Z., Huang, Y. H., Hwang, E. C., Lin H. L. (2017, July). Besides the gratitude Program Effect: Unlocking the Common Instructional Process of Certified Teachers. Fifth World Congress on Positive Psychology, July 13-16, 2017. Montréal, Canada.

Chen, Y. H., Chen, L. C., Wu H. Y., Chen W. Y., Lai Y. S., Chen S. S. (2017,June). Effects of the Gratitude Program on the Gratitude, Well-Being, Perceived Stress and Stress Coping of Nurses. 19th International Conference on Positive Psychology and Wellbeing, June 28-29, 2017. London, United Kingdom. 【Best Presentation Award】

Wu, H. Y., Hsin, Y. Z., Chen, W. Y., Jone, K. Y. (2016, July). The Comparison between The Effect of The Gratitude Program and The Happiness Program. The First Festival of Positive Education, July 18-20, 2016. Dallas, U.S.

Lin H. L., Wu, H. Y., Chen A. Y. , Chen H. C. (2016, July). Current Status, Difficulties, and Improvement Strategies of Cooperative learning Implemented by KDP Awarded Teachers in Taiwan. The First Festival of Positive Education, July 18-20, 2016. Dallas, U.S.

Wu, H. Y., Duckworth, A. L., Kim, Y-H., Chen, H. C. (2012, July). A Cross Cultural Study Comparing Self-Control in Taiwanese and American Adolescents. The First Canadian Conference on Positive Psychology, July 20-21, 2012. Toronto, Canada, University of Toronto.

Cho, S. L.; Wu, H. Y. ; Chen, H. C.; Kuan, Y. S. and Wang, T. N. (2008, 7) The Time Course of Meaning Activation in Chinese Joke Comprehension. The 20th International ISHS Humor Conference, July 7-11, 2008. Madrid, Spain, Alcalá de Henares.

Lai C. C., Wu H. Y., Wang T. N., Chen H. C. (2007, 7) The relationship of life stress, multiple sense of humor, and subjective well-being of college students. The 19th International ISHS Humor Conference, June 29-30 and July 1, 2007. Rhode island, Salve Regina University .