Service within UNMC

o   AI Task Force, UNMC/Nebraska Medicine

o   BISB Graduate Committee, UNMC

o   Saadyeh Rashidi, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (BISB) Graduate Program, UNMC

o   Eric Zadok Mpingirika, Cancer Research (CR) Graduate Program, UNMC

o   Ritesh Dey, Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology (MGCB) Graduate Program, UNMC

o   Farshid Oruji, Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology (MGCB) Graduate Program, UNMC

o   Ben Nolan, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (BISB) Graduate Program, UNMC

o   Ashish Das, Immunology, Pathology and Infectious Diseases (IPID) Graduate Program, UNMC

o   NIH RECOVER COVID Initiative Systems Biology Multiomics Study Section, 2024

o   NIH Biodata Management and Analysis (BDMA) Study Section, 2023-2024

o   NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP), 2023

o   NIH Early Career Reviewer (ECR) Program, 2023

o   UNMC Buffet Cancer Center Pilot Grant Review Panel, 2023

o   UNMC Graduate Studies Fellowship Study Section on Neuroscience, 2023

o   UNMC Graduate Studies Fellowship Study Section on Community & Population Health/Nursing/Clinical & Translational Research, 2023

o   UNMC Buffet Cancer Center Pilot Grant Review Panel, 2022

o   Leading the Machine Learning Journal Club in Center for Biomedical Informatics Research and Innovation at UNMC, 2022-2023