Dr. Shibiao Wan (Lab Website)

Assistant Professor

Assistant Director for Bioinformatics and Systems Biology  Core

Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy

University of Nebraska Medical Center

Email: swan@unmc.edu

Phone:  +1-402-559-6560


DRC I 6014

985805 Nebraska Medical Center

Omaha, NE 68198 USA

Announcement: For prospective students and postdocs, please check here.


·   >50 publications (including one book)

·   Google Scholar Citations: >1400

·   Editor-in-Chief for Current Proteomics

·   Editorial Board Member for

o   Briefings in Functional Genomics (IF: 4.840)

o   Heliyon (IF: 4)

o   BMC Bioinformatics (IF: 3.328)

o   International Journal of Microbiology (IF: 3.4)

o   PeerJ Computer Science (IF: 2.411)

o   BioMed Research International (IF: 3.411)

o   Computational and Mathematical Methods (IF: 2.809)

·   Guest Associate Editor for 

o   Frontiers in Immunology (IF: 8.786)

o   Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology (IF: 6.684)

o   Frontiers in Pharmacology (IF: 5.988)

o   Frontiers in Oncology (IF: 5.738)

o   Biology (IF: 5.079)

o   Frontiers in Genetics (IF: 4.599)

o   Genes (IF: 4.141)

o   Frontiers in Psychology (IF: 3.8)

·   TPC Member for IEEE ICTAI (2016-present) and >20 other machine learning international conferences

· Reviewer for >50 journals including Nature Communications (IF: 16.6), Nature Computational Science (IF: 11.3), Nucleic Acids Research (IF: 14.9), Genome Medicine (IF: 12.3), Cancer Research (IF: 11.2), Briefings in Bioinformatics (IF: 11.6), and IEEE TNNLS (IF: 10.4)

·   Publons Top Reviewers (top 1%) in Cross-Field (2019), and Biology and Biochemistry (2019)

·   Outstanding Young Alumni Awardee (2021-2022)

·   Developed 15 highly accessed bioinformatics tools

·   IEEE Senior Member