Teaching and Other Academic  



[L] IUPE Programming Methodologies and Practice (One Lecture on Deep Learning)


(Link to Tutorial)

[TA] IUPE Programming Methodologies and Practice


[TA] = Teaching Assistant

[L] Lecturer


[J] IEEE Transactions on Image Processing  (TIP)

(Link to Website)

[J] Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA)

(Link to Website)

[J] Machine Vision and Applications (MVAP)

(Link to Website)

[J] Computers and Society (COSE) 

(Link to Website)

[J] Wireless Personal Communications (WPC)

(Link to Website)

[C] Conference of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

(Link to Website)

[C] European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)

                                                                 (Link to Website)

[C] International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)

(Link to Website)

[C] = Conference

[J] Journal

“Always ask yourself: "What will happen if I say nothing?”

― Kamand Kojouri

Last Updated: January 2024