Flooding and Drainage Meeting

Post date: Aug 11, 2014 4:03:41 AM

UPDATE---Myself (John) and Dennis represented SFVNA. The interim superintendant Diane Souder and the new super. for the Petroglyph monument were there, in addition to Elaine Romero Ken Sanchez assistant, Dr. Tom with the city(don't know last name). 5 or 6 affected neighbors were also in attendance. Entered the arroyo behind lamar from the Cienega AMAFCA easement. Walked up arroyo to the area of Tom Bachale's house and pretty much reexamined the cuts in the soil, to my surprise had grown substantially. The park employees and Dr. Tom took numerous pictures of the area. Also the Petroglyph monument markers in the arroyo were identified for the group, so we could see where City land ends and National park begins. Mostly informative meeting and tour. This was more of a fact finding mission than anything. It was successful in bringing the issue to the appropriate people up close and personal to where they can see the major soil erosion that is happening. John

The office of City Councilman Ken Sanchez will hold a meeting regarding drainage & flood control for Santa Fe Village; Thursday, Aug 14 at 6:00 PM at the Taylor Ranch Community center.  We also have issues of advancing gullies.  

We need everyone that has been impacted and/or have concerns for these issues to show up at this meeting.  Please forward this message to your neighbors if they are not on this list-serve.