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Advice for revitalizing your journal club

One way to give a talk - By Loren Frank (UCSF)

Defense of the Scientific Hypothesis - By Bradley Alger (University of Maryland)

Scientific Hypothesis Series - Introduction

Hypotheses and Predictions

The Basic Processes of Scientific Reasoning

The Truth About Falsification

John Platt And Multiple Hypotheses

Differences Between Statistical And Scientific Hypotheses

Career opportunities - Regional and local

Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences - MS Program in Molecular Biosciences

Albany Medical College - PhD Program in Neuropharmacology and Neuroscience

Rensselaer Politechnique Institute - PhD Programs in Biological Sciences

SUNY Albany - PhD Program in Behavioral Neuroscience

SUNY Albany - PhD Program in Molecular, Cellular, Developmental and Neural Biology

Wadsworth Center - MS Neuroscience

Wadsworth Center - PhD Neuroscience

Career opportunities - National

NIH Post-Bac Program (NIH)

HHMI Undergraduate Research Program (Janelia Farm)

HHMI Graduate Research Program (Janelia Farm)

HHMI Research Positions (Janelia Farm)

Courses and workshops

Computational methods for spatially realistic microphysiological simulations

Computer programming with NEURON

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories

Marine Biological Laboratory

Educational Resources - National

NIH/NINDS Brain Reources

Opportunities for Kids and Teens - International

Frontiers for Young Minds

Research Fellowships for Graduates and Postdocs - International

American Scandinavian Foundation

Scientific societies and foundations

The Society for Neuroscience

American Neurological Association

The Brain Bee

The BRAIN initiative

The Dana Foundation

The Grass Foundation