A computer simulation "Anti- traffic jam"

The purpose of this project is to test the system "Anti- traffic jam" not in reality but on a computer emulation.

The program emulates the movement of cars on city streets.

Each car has a starting and end points.

Each car while moving, creates its own map of velocities in the streets, and sends this information.

After receiving a map of the velocity from another car, maps are combined together according to certain rules. And, according to a new card, car re-computes the optimal route for the quickest arrival to the endpoint.

Thus, the purpose of hardware system "Anti- traffic jam" is to adjust the optimum route of a car by exchanging information with other participants in real time.

The objective of the "Anti- traffic jam" software is to test the system on a computer simulation. Software supports up to 65 000 cars and up to 66 000 streets.


Settings at the start: Settings for a map.

Settings for a: streets, cars, communication.

The main program window: Control Panel.

Clicking on the button "Streets", "Cars" or "Signals" appears a window with the relevant list.

List of streets, for the selected (current) street from the list are shown information.

After clicking a button"Calculate Movement" in the main window.

Scenario of motion is calculated approximately one and half minutes for 8 * 8 blocks (8 * 8 * 4 streets) and 20 cars which are exchanging information. Cars which do not exchange information shall not be taken in the program; simply considered that because of them, a speed of movement on streets are different: i.e. traffic jams, somewhere more, somewhere less. Also you can specify the period of change a speed of movement on the street.

When you recalculate the scenario with the same initial data, are likely to be obtained different results (different scenario), because the probability of receiving a signals will be re-calculated; so in a new scenario version some car can recive another map of speed rate, then car going to choose a different further route (than in previous scenario version), which further affect the difference in the scenarios.

List of signals in the air: because of selected checkbox are shown only signals received by other cars. For a selected signal are shown cars that successfully received it, and cars that received it unsuccessfully (as a noise). 0.97 0.31 and 0.81 - probability of successful reception of a signal.

A window above shows a car's information before calculating the movement scenario..

A window below shows that during the movement a car chose another route, after having received information about the "traffic jam":

Here's how the process of selecting a further route looks at the car personal mini-map of the route (colors for a route streets: blue; purple for start and end; the current street of the route is marked in red):

Car personal mini-map of the "speed at streets + obsolescence" (hereinafter is shown the map of the same car):

Car personal mini-map of the "obsolescence":

Personal mini-map of car "Information about the driven away cars in the system + obsolescence":

Personal mini-map of car "Information about dangerous areas + obsolescence":

Replay of calculated scenario. Dark blue circles are around the car sending signal. The dotted tench shows transfer signal: blue - successful, violet - unsuccessful. Color of streets displays the speed on them at the moment.

Product "Anti- traffic jam" was made for 3 months.

The biggest difficulty was to determine, how to store all versions of personal maps (including a different time) for all cars, while maintaining the fast-performance of the program.