

Cognitive learning: a machine learning approach for automatic process characterization from design  [web]

J.  Foucher, J.  Baderot, S.  Martinez, A.  Dervilllé and G.  Bernard

Proc.SPIE 10585 (2018)

Designed tools for analysis of lithography patterns and nanostructures  [web]

Alexandre  Dervillé, Julien  Baderot, Guilhem  Bernard, Johann  Foucher, Hanna  Grönqvist, Aurélien  Labrosse, Sergio  Martinez and Yann  Zimmermann

Proc.SPIE 10145 (2017)

The coming of age of the first hybrid metrology software platform dedicated to nanotechnologies  [web]

Johann  Foucher, Aurelien  Labrosse, Alexandre  Dervillé, Yann  Zimmermann, Guilhem  Bernard, Sergio  Martinez, Hanna  Grönqvist, Julien  Baderot and Florian  Pinzan

Proc.SPIE 10145 (2017)

Shape-from-Polarization in laparoscopy    [PDF] [web]

S. Martinez-Herrera, A. Malti, O. Morel and A. Bartoli

ISBI '13 - Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 2013

Multispectral endoscopy to identify precancerous lesions in gastric mucosa    [web]

S. E. Martinez-Herrera, Y. Benezeth, M. Boffety, J.-F. Emile, F. Marzani, D. Lamarque, and F. Goudail

in Image and Signal Processing, vol. 8509, A. Elmoataz, O. Lezoray, F. Nouboud, and D. Mammass, Eds. Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 43–51.