
My main duties are my studies, in addition, whenever I have a free time, I will be doing one of these activities.

I will define that I have 4 main leisure activities.

The first one is reading, I love it, I enjoy it and I do it everytime that I have a chance, I like to take the public transportation and read on the way to my daily activityes.

The second is listening to music, I just cannot avoid to be far from the music, personally I enjoy listening to classical music, but also I like to move into rock and metal (interesting combination), in addition, I am also interested to hear folkloric music from different parts of the world.

The third activity is hiking, being in touch with the nature, have fresh air, listening to the sings of the birds in the morning.

The fourth activity is meeting people, I like to talk and hear about its experiences in life, being in touch with a new culture, I enjoy having a nice talk with old and new friends.