
Sergio Ernesto Martinez Herrera

Welcome to my personal website!!!


Currently I am working in Pollen Metrology.

I have a PhD from Paris Saclay, University of Versailles St. Quentin en Yvelines, in a shared project between the Institut d'Opitique Graduate School and the laboratory LE2I from the University of Burgundy. My supervisors were Dr. Dominique Lamarque, Prof. Franck Marzani, Prof. François Goudail, Prof. Yannick Bennezeth, Prof. Matthieu Boffety and Prof. Jean-François Emile. My research is oriented to non conventional imaging (multispectral and polarization) to improve the detection of precancerous lesions in gastroendoscopy.

I finished an Erasmus Mundus Masters in Vision Systems and Robotics (VIBOT), as a granted student. A program between the Université de Bourgogne (France), Universitat de Girona (Spain) and Heriot Watt University (Edinburgh). 

I hope you enjoy surfing in the website, if you have any comments, plase feel free to contact me!, I will be happy to hear from you.


Sergio Ernesto Martinez Herrera

iescd.sergio.ernesto [at] gmail.com