Using essential oils at home

Anne's guide to using essential oils for all sorts of uses for you, your family and your home.


Lavender is one of the most commonly used essential oils and rightly so. It can be used for many different things.

If you are having trouble sleeping, put a few drops on your pillow.

If you have a minor burn or scald, drop a couple of drops of neat lavender oil directly on to the affected part.

If you have a cut or scrape that is taking a while to heal, add a few (3 0r 4) drops of lavender to about 30mls of base oil -almond or grapeseed, and massage into the wounded area . This can also help fend of scarring.

If you are feeling a bit low, burning a few drops of lavender in and oil burner can help to raise your mood.

All in all, an excellent oil to keep handy.

Tea tree

Tea tree oil is from Australia, and has been used by the Aborigines for centuries. It is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, so it is useful to treat all sorts of infections, and for athletes foot, sunburn, acne and many other things.

For athlete's foot, insect bites, veruccas and warts, drop a little tea tree oil on a cotton bud and apply to the affected part - try not to get much on the surounding skin as it is quite powerful.

For gum disease or the beginnings of a throat infection, put 1-2 drops of teatree in a half a glass of water and gargle with it - do not swallow!

Tea tree can be burned in a vapouriser or a couple of drops on a tissue placed on a radiator to help ward off infections, and to help tp calm breathing difficulties from mild asthma, coughs, sinusitis or catarrh. It can also help with dry or itchy eyes from air conditioning.

For sunburn or acne, add a couple of drops of teatree oil to some grapeseed or almond oil and massage it in to the affected area.