Online Book/Vocab

Online libro--Collaborative Cuento

This online Collaborative Cuento will be written by all of us. When it is your turn to add to the document, you will add a minimum of 250 words that should flow well with the story's plot, theme and established characters as per what has already been written. Please do not kill off the main character or create irreparable damage, especially if the story is just beginning or near the middle. Also, please type a line separating your section from the other students' work and include your name when you have completed your 250 words, just as I have done for the first section. In this way we will know whom to admire/blame for certain sections of the cuento. See course plan to learn exactly when it's your turn to add tot he document. You should stay up to date, reading this document after each student's submission in order to stay current. This cuento's content may appear on quizzes and tests, so stay current. Don't forget to click "save" in the upper right hand corner of this document when you are finished. In order to ensure that your work contains the appropriate accented Spanish characters, you should probably write your section of the cuento in MS Word or in another word processor, and then cut and paste it into the online document. Finally, be thinking about a title for the story as it progresses. Currently, no title is listed.

You can access, read and add to this book by cutting and pasting this link: into a new tab or window or by clicking here or by simply using the imbedded website below:

Running Vocabulary List--30 Words Per Student

Here you can access the online document that houses your running vocabulary list. All you need to do is add Spanish words with their Spanish definitions to the page in your individual section, and click on "save" in the upper right hand corner when you have finished. Remember, 30 words total are required of you by semester's end. By spring break you should have 15 words compiled in your section. You can access the list, read it and add to it by cutting and pasting this link into a new tab or browser window: or by clicking here or by simply using the imbedded website below: