Film (Cortometrajes)

Below you will find:

--Links to films

--Instructions for final paper and prompt

--Rubric for final paper

Momentos de estación-(access video here)

Adiós Mamá-(access video here)

Encrucijada-(access video here)

Raíz-(access video here)

El día menos pensado-(access video here)

El ojo en la nuca-(access video here)

Final Paper Prompt--

Final Paper—Reflection on Cortometraje Video

Write this final paper in Spanish. It should be double spaced, 12 point font and one inch margins on all sides. Papers should be three pages in length at minimum but no more than seven pages in length in total. In reality this paper is meant for you to reflect on the short film and to give you a medium by which you may state your reactions to the film. That said, this paper may take on many different forms. However, you might find the following suggestions useful.

1. Begin by giving the reader information regarding the short film itself. This might take the form of a short summary of the film.

2. Next give us your reaction to the film. Did you enjoy the film? Why or why not? What struck you about the film? What made you want to write about it? Was there something that you could relate with in the film or were there characters portrayed that were similar to the way you act and are?

3. Now, give us information regarding important things that you noticed about the film. For example, did you notice any symbolism? Was there a recurring theme in the film or a moral or lesson that the director wanted the audience to learn?

4. Is there a cultural connection? What aspects of Hispanic culture are portrayed in the film? Do you learn about the Spanish speaking world and its people through the film’s content? What do you learn?

5. Are there any changes you’d like to make? If you could change the outcome of the film would you? What would you change and why?

6. Close by recommending the film or not recommending the film to others. Justify yourself by stating why the film is recommendable or not recommendable.

Each one of these numbered items might be discussed in your paper, or perhaps you will want to highlight items that interested you that I have not included here. You may want to elaborate on numbers one through six above and separate each idea into a different paragraph. Keep in mind that all essays are organized most effectively when they have an introduction that highlights what will be discussed, a body that discusses the important points highlighted in the introduction and a conclusion that sums up what was presented in the previous sections of the paper and makes some kind of concise conclusion that synthesizes the previously presented information.