Sally Returns

Sally runs into Jemaine at O'Henry Laundromat, just down the street from his apartment at 37 Henry Street. 

This is where he begins singing "Business Time."

Sally walks Jemaine home to the apartment at 28 Henry Street.

Jemaine decides to move out and sets up in a storage closet at 75 Prospect Park West, across the street from Prospect Park in Brooklyn. In the Seinfeld episode The Pothole, Elaine does a similar move in order to fool a Chinese food delivery service.

Jemaine and Sally have a date and run into Bret and Coco at Monte's Restaurant at 451 Carroll Street in Brooklyn.

Bret and Jemaine walk NW down Grand Street and cross Eldridge Street in Chinatown. This is where Jemaine relays the message from Coco that Bret is dumped.
