Language Codes for Slavic, Eastern European and Eurasian Languages

The  language codes enumerated here, which are taken from the MARC code list for languages, are generally used in the 041 variable data field or the 008/35-37 fixed-length data elements of bibliographic records and the 377 field of name authority records.  The list is arranged by the alphabetical order of the language name in the right-hand column.

cau Abazin (uses collective code for Caucasian (Other))

abk Abkhaz

ady Adygei

alb Albanian

alt Altai

tut Altaic (Other)

arm Armenian

aze Azerbaijani

krc Balkar (uses code for Karachay-Balkar) 

bat Baltic (Other)

bak Bashkir 

cau Bats (uses collective code for Caucasian (Other))

bel Belarusian

sla Belarusian, Old (to 1700) (uses collective code for Slavic (Other))

cau Bezhta (uses collective code for Caucasian (Other))

bos Bosnian

See: Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian

cau Botlikh (uses collective code for Caucasian (Other))

bul Bulgarian

chu Bulgarian, Old (to 1100) (uses code for Church Slavic) 

tut Bulgaro-Turkic (use collective code for Altaic (Other))

bua Buriat

sla Čakavian (uses collective code for Slavic (Other))

sla Carpatho-Rusyn

cau Caucasian (Other)

chg Chagatai

cau Chamalal (uses collective code for Caucasian (Other))

che Chechen

chu Church Slavic

chv Chuvash

crh Crimean Tatar 

hrv Croatian

See: Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian

cze Czech

See: Czech and Slovak

sla Czech, Old (to 1500) (uses collective code for Slavic (Other))

sgn Czech Sign Language (uses collective code for Sign languages))

tut Dagur (uses collective code for Altaic (Other))

dar Dargwa

cau Dido  (uses collective code for Caucasian (Other))

myv Erzya

est Estonian

tut Even (uses collective code for Altaic (Other))

tut Evenki (uses collective code for Altaic (Other))

fin Finnish

fiu Finno-Ugrian (Other)

tut Gagauz (uses collective code for Altaic (Other))

geo Georgian

tut Greek Tatar (uses collective code for Altaic (Other))

hun Hungarian

cau Hunzib (uses collective code for Caucasian (Other))

fiu Ingrian (uses collective code for Finno-Ugrian (Other))

inh Ingush

kbd Kabardian

xal Kalmyk

kaa Kara-Kalpak

krc Karachay-Balkar

tut Karaim (uses collective code for Altaic (Other))

krl Karelian

csb Kashubian

kaz Kazakh

tut Khakass (uses collective code for Altaic (Other))

tut Khalaj (uses collective code for Altaic (Other))

fiu Khanty (uses collective code for Finno-Ugrian (Other))

tut Kipchak (uses collective code for Altaic (Other))

kom Komi

kom Komi-Permyak

kir Kyrgyz 

cau Lak (uses collective code for Caucasian (Other))

lav Latvian

lit Lithuanian

fiu Livonian (uses collective code for Finno-Ugrian (Other))

dsb Lower Sorbian Used for: Sorbian, Lower

fiu Ludic (uses collective code for Finno-Ugrian (Other))

mac Macedonian

mnc Manchu

fiu Mansi (uses collective code for Finno-Ugrian (Other))

chm Mari

cau Mingrelian (uses collective code for Caucasian (Other))

tut Moghol (uses collective code for (Altaic (Other))

mdf Moksha

rum Moldovan

See: Moldavian or Romanian?

mon Mongolian

tut Mongolian, Middle (13th-16th centuries) (uses collective code for Altaic (Other))

tut Monguor (uses collective code for Altaic (Other))

srp Montenegrin (uses code for Serbian)

fiu Mordvin (uses collective code for Finno-Ugrian (Other))

tut Nanai (uses collective code for Altaic (Other))

nog Nogai 

tut Northern Altai (uses collective code for Altaic (Other))

xal Oirat

alt Oirat (Turkic) (uses code for Altai) 

sla Polabian (uses collective code for Slavic (Other))

pol Polish

bat Prussian (uses collective code for Baltic (Other))

rom Romani

rum Romanian

See: Moldavian or Romanian?

rus Russian

sla Russian, Old (to 1300) (uses collective code for Slavic (Other))

sms Russian Lapp (Uses code for Skolt Sami)

sla Rusyn (uses code for Carpatho-Rusyn)

sla Ruthenian (Carpatho-Rusyn) (uses code for Carpatho-Rusyn)

ukr Ruthenian (Ukrainian) (uses code for Ukrainian)

bel Ruthenian, White (uses code for Belarusian) 

srp Serbian

See: Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian

sms Skolt Sami

sla Slavic (Other)

slo Slovak

See: Czech and Slovak

slv Slovenian

wen Sorbian (Other) (uses code for Wendic (Other)

cau Svan (uses collective code for Caucasian (Other))

cau Tabasaran (uses collective code for Caucasian (Other))

tgk Tajik [previously was: taj]

tat Tatar [previously was: tar]

cau Tsakhur (uses collective code for Caucasian (Other))

cau Tsez (uses collective code for Caucasian (Other))

tut Turkish, Old (to 1500) (uses collective code for (Altaic (Other))

tuk Turkmen

tyv Tuvinian

cau Ubykh (uses collective code for Caucasian (Other))

udm Udmurt

uig Uighur

ukr Ukrainian

sla Ukrainian, Old (ca. 1300-1700) (uses collective code for Slavic (Other))

hsb Upper Sorbian Used for: High Sorbian; Sorbian, Upper

mis Urartian (uses collective code for Miscellaneous languages)

uzb Uzbek

fiu Veps (uses collective code for Finno-Ugrian (Other))

sah Yakut

Revised Feb. 2016