Submit article manuscript

HOW TO SUBMIT. Manuscripts should be submitted via the publisher's submission portal at From there, click on the green Submit button and follow the instructions for submitting your manuscript. You will be required to register for an account with the publisher. For questions, please contact the Editor, Jon C. Giullian, at

ORIGINAL ARTICLES ONLY. Submission of a manuscript to this journal represents a certification on the part of the author(s) that it is an original work, and that neither this manuscript nor a version of it has been published elsewhere, nor is it being considered for publication elsewhere.

MANUSCRIPT LENGTH. Your manuscript may be approximately 5-50 typed pages, double-spaced (including references and abstract). Longer manuscripts may be considered but only at the discretion of the editor. Longer manuscripts will be considered more favorably if they can be divided into sections for publication in successive issues. Typical peer-reviewed articles are 12-35 pages in length; column pieces tend to be shorter.

MANUSCRIPT STYLE. Submissions must be written in standard English. Non-Roman alphabet material should be transliterated in accordance with Library of Congress transliteration tables, without diacritics. Tables for many languages, including those written Cyrillic, can be found here:

REFERENCES. Notes and other references, if any, should be double-spaced and placed at the end of the paper. They should conform to the 17th edition of The Chicago Manual of Style (online version available if you or your library subscribes), chapter 14. Examples of notes for many different types of material can be found at SEEIR does not use the author-date system for references.

    • Use the form of the author's name that is on the article or the title page of book you are citing; do not shorten all first names to just an initial. Use the short-title form for subsequent references, not ibid.

    • Do not abbreviate journal titles. Include both volume and issue number, date, and include pagination of journal articles.

SPELLING, GRAMMAR, PUNCTUATION, ETC. You are responsible for preparing manuscript copy that is clearly written in standard, scholarly English. Authors whose native language is not English are strongly encouraged to have their manuscripts edited by a person experienced in writing for English-language professional journals. Articles should contain no errors of spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Neither the editor nor the publisher will be responsible for correcting such errors, and manuscripts containing a large number of them will be returned unedited.

    • In addition, please check the accuracy of all arithmetic calculations, statistics, numerical data, text citations, references, and URLs. Include the proper diacritics for languages that are written in Roman alphabet. Do not use diacritics with transliterated text.

CONSISTENCY. Be sure you are consistent in your use of abbreviations and terminology, as well as in citing references.

ILLUSTRATIONS, FIGURES, TABLES. If your article includes any of these, see the separate instructions page for Tables & Illustrations.

ALTERATIONS REQUIRED BY REFEREES AND REVIEWERS. Often a paper is accepted by the editor contingent upon changes that are mandated by anonymous peer reviewers or members of the editorial board. If the editor asks you to revise your manuscript, you are responsible for doing so.

ACCEPTANCE FOR PUBLICATION. Upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication, you will be asked to upload a final, revised copy of the article in digital form. It is strongly preferred that you use Microsoft Word for Windows for the text.

    • After the editor submits your article to the publisher, you will receive an e-mail that includes a request to send two forms related to copyright. The publisher needs signatures from all authors, on a single form or on multiple ones.

TYPESETTING AND GALLEY PROOFS. The publisher will ask you to review galley proofs of your article online. No editorial revisions can be made at that point. (Such revisions, if any, must be made before your article is submitted for publication.) Typesetting errors will generally be corrected by the production staff of Taylor & Francis, but authors are expected to submit manuscript files and illustrations that are free from error. Please assume that production staff do not know languages other than English.