Seedkeepers Mailing List

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seedkeepers mailing list

About seedkeepers English (USA)

Seed Keepers list - seed and plant growout, harvest, storage, sharing and exchange.

Dedicated to preserving heirloom and open pollinated plant material for the benefit of present and future generations of gardeners and farmers.

This forum will help those interested in developing and using a non-gmo seed and plant saving and exchange network.

Seeds Create.

The Seed Keepers list is a forum for individuals interested in and practicing techniques of keeping non-gmo seeds and plants.

All are welcome to join and exchange ideas, skills and harvested seeds and plants. There are no limitations besides civility

and constructive participation. This list is not affiliated with any organization and does not tolerate inflammatory behavior.

Welcome and please introduce yourself!

-Seed Keepers Exchange Network

The message archives for the old seedkeepers (called seedsavers) mailing list are at the following location:

Go Here:

The current seedkeepers message archives are located here:

Go Here:

Feel free to browse and download.

Using seedkeepers: To post a message to all the list members, send email to
