
SebagoMist Polydactyl Maine Coons

by: Kerry Ellen

The history of the Polydactyl Sebago Mist Maine Coon all originates from the beautiful silvery blue mackerel tabby with white, four-footed polydactyl Misty. Misty is a native of Maine and was born by the waters of the Androscoggin river.

Misty is a beautiful example of the foundation Maine Coon found in the wilderness of Maine. She has a very distinct thumb as an example of the “double-pawed” Maine Coons we see today. There is always a slight variation of the polydactyl patterns. The two accepted types in the show world are the Patty shape, which is a more rounded shape created by extra toes, and the Mitten shape, which has a prominent thumb.

SebagoMist Polydactyl has both the charming thumb shape, or mitten, excellent for grabbing the favorite toy or the opening of a cupboard for treats, and the patty shape, sometimes called 'snowshoe'! See Angeline below for an example of the Snowshoe foot.

(Right): These are the front paws of SebagoMist Sir Alex P., Misty's son.

Misty had a son named SebagoMist Sir Alex who was the splitting image of Misty as a lad. He is also a blue mackerel tabby with white, a four-footed polydactyl.

Sir Alex also has the sweet thumb style polydactyl toes and beautiful whiskers to match! Sir Alex became our sire and grandsire of new lovely double-pawed kittens!

A polydactyl Maine Coon is a Maine Coon. They just have extra toes!

Maine Coons Polydactyls can be can win awards too! CFF and TICA have accepted the Polydactyl Maine Coon into championship status!

Polydactylism can present itself on the front feet only or the front and back feet. The expression 2x or 2wd (wheel drive) refers to front feet and 4x or 4wd refers to all four feet with extra toes. A normal toed kitten or cat is defined as having 5 toes in the front and 4 toes in the rear. A polydactyl is a polydactyl as soon as the front has more than 5 toes and/or the back has more than 4 toes.

Polydactyl: Poly (Greek) meaning many and dactyl meaning digit; "multi-toed".

The extra-large paws are nicknamed double-paws, because the paws are usually double-wide in size. They can walk through snow more easily, hence another nickname of snowshoe cat; but most often, they are simply called polys.

Champion SebagoMist Angeline

Red Smoke with White - 4x Patty Foot Polydactyl


Clones: 11.7%Top 5: 26.8%

Angeline, a patty foot, is born of mitten parents.

Below is one of her back feet. Notice how the paw pads are connected. All four of her paw pads have connected paw pads. This is what makes her a patty foot polydactyl!


Please contact us for more information about the Polydactyl Maine Coon.