
by Øystein Varpe and co-authors. Many of the publications are available online (links included), but don't hesitate to get in touch and we'll share a pdf with you. 

Articles in peer reviewed international journals


108. Duncan RJ, Søreide JE, Nielsen D, Varpe Ø, Wiktor J, Tobin M, Pitusi V, Petrou K. 2024. Seasonal environmental transitions and metabolic plasticity in a sea-ice alga from an individual cell perspective perspective. Scientific Reports 14, 14984 open access

107. Siwertsson A, Lindström U, Aune M, Berg E, Skarðhamar J, Varpe Ø, Primicerio R. 2024. Rapid climate change increases diversity and homogenizes composition of coastal fish at high latitudes. Global Change Biology 30, e17273 abstract

106. Duncan RJ, Søreide JE, Varpe Ø, Wiktor J, Pitusi V, Runge E, Petrou K. 2024. Spatio-temporal dynamics in microalgal communities in Arctic land-fast sea ice. Progress in Oceanography  open access

105. Rist S, Rask S, Ntinou I, Varpe Ø, Lindegren M, Ugwu K. Larsson M. Sjöberg V. Nielsen TG. 2024. Cumulative impacts of oil pollution, ocean warming, and coastal freshening on the consumption of Arctic copepods. Environmental Science and Technology  abstract

104. Duncan RJ, Nielsen D, Søreide JE, Varpe Ø, Tobin MJ, Pitusi V, Heraud P, Petrou K. 2024. Biomolecular profiles of Arctic Sea-ice diatoms highlight the role of under-ice light in cellular energy allocation. ISME Communications. 4(1): 1-15  open access


103. Meister N, Langbehn TJ, Varpe Ø, Jørgensen C. 2023. Blue mussels in western Norway have vanished where in reach of crawling predators. Marine Ecology Progress Series 721: 85-101  open access

102. Larsen LH, Cusa M, Eglund-Newby S, Berge J, Renaud PE, Varpe Ø, Geoffroy M, Falk-Petersen S. 2023. Diets of gadoid fish in Arctic waters of Svalbard fjords during the polar night. Polar Biology abstract

101. Kunisch EH, Graeve M, Gradinger R, Flores H, Varpe Ø, Bluhm BA. 2023. What we do in the dark: prevalence of omnivorous feeding activity in Arctic zooplankton during polar night. Limnology and Oceanography 68: 1835–1851 open access

100. Stolz C, Varpe Ø, Ims, RA, Sandercock BK, Stokke BG, Fossøy F. 2023. Predator-prey interactions in the Arctic: DNA-metabarcoding reveals that nestling diet of snow buntings reflects arthropod seasonality. Environmental DNA  5: 1234-1251 open access

99. Langbehn TJ, Aarflot JM, Freer J, Varpe Ø. 2023. Visual predation risk and spatial distributions of large Arctic copepods along gradients of sea ice and bottom depth. Limnology and Oceanography 68: 1388-1405 open access

98. Nowicki RC, Borgå K, Gabrielsen GW, Varpe Ø. 2023. Energy content of krill and amphipods in the Barents Sea from summer to winter: variation across species and size. Polar Biology  open access


97. Kelly C, Michelsen FA, Reite KJ, Kolding J, Varpe Ø, Berset AP, Alver MO. 2022. Capturing big fisheries data: Integrating fishers' knowledge in a web-based decision support tool. Frontiers in Marine Science 9 : 1051879 open access

96. Varpe Ø, Gabrielsen GW. 2022. Aggregations of foraging black guillemots (Cepphus grylle) at a sea-ice edge in front of a tidewater glacier. Polar Research 41: 7141 open access   supplementary material   as a Tweet

95. Barrio IC, Ehrich D, Soininen EM, Ravolainen VT, Bueno CG, Gilg O, Kolz AM, Speed JDM, Hik DS, Mörsdorf M, Alatalo JM, Angerbjörn A, Bêty J, Bollache L, Boulanger-Lapointe N, Brown GS, Eischeid I, Giroux MA, Hájek T, Hansen BB, Hofhuis S, Lamarre JF, Lang J, Latty C, Lecomte N, Macek P, McKinnon L, Myers-Smith IH, Pedersen ÅØ, Prevéy JS, Roth JD, Saalfeld ST, Schmidt NM, Smith P, Sokolov A, Sokolova N, Stolz C, Van Bemmelen R, Varpe Ø, Woodard PF, Jónsdóttir IS. 2021. Developing common protocols to measure tundra herbivory across spatial scales. Arctic Science 8: 638-679 open access

94. Planque B, Aarflot JM, Buttay L, Carroll J, Fransner F, Hansen C, Husson B, Keenlyside N, Langangen Ø, Lindstrøm U, Nilsen I, Pedersen T, Primicerio R, Sivel E, Skogen MD, Strombom E, Stige LC, Varpe Ø, Yoccoz NG. 2022. A standard protocol for describing the evaluation of ecological models. Ecological Modelling 471: 110059 open access 

93. Keogan K, Daunt F, Wanless S, Phillips RA, Alvarez D, Anker-Nilssen T, Barrett RT, Bech C, Becker PH, Berglund PA, Bouwhuis S, Burr ZM, Chastel O, Christensen-Dalsgaard S, Descamps S, Diamond T, Elliott K, Erikstad KE, Harris M, Hentati-Sundberg J, Heubeck M, Kress SW, Langset M, Lorentsen SH, Major HL, Mallory M, Mellor M, Miles WTS, Moe B, Mostello C, Newell M, Nisbet I, Reiertsen TK, Rock J, Shannon P, Varpe Ø, Lewis S, Phillimore AB. 2022. Variation and correlation in the timing of breeding of North Atlantic seabirds across multiple scales. Journal of Animal Ecology 91: 1797-1812  abstract

92. Skogsberg E, McGovern M, Poste A, Jonsson S, Arts MT, Varpe Ø, Borgå K. 2022. Seasonal pollutant levels in littoral high-Arctic amphipods in relation to food sources and terrestrial run-off. Environmental Pollution 306: 119361 abstract and pdf

91. Finne EA, Varpe Ø, Durant JM, Gabrielsen GW, Poste AE. 2022. Fluxes from an Arctic seabird colony to the adjacent coastal marine ecosystem. Polar Biology open access

90. Barth-Jensen C, Daase M, Ormańczyk MR, Varpe Ø, Kwaśniewski S, Svensen C. 2022. High abundances of small copepods early developmental stages and nauplii strengthen the perception of a non-dormant Arctic winter. Polar Biology 45: 675–690  open access


89. Kunisch EH, Graeve M, Gradinger R, Haug T, Kovacs KM, Lydersen C, Varpe Ø, Bluhm BA. 2021. Ice-algal carbon supports harp and ringed seal diets in the European Arctic: evidence from fatty acid and stable isotope markers. Marine Ecology Progress Series 675: 181-197 open access

88.  Bandara K, Varpe Ø. Maps F, Ji R, Eiane K, Tverberg V.  2021.  Timing of Calanus finmarchicus diapause in stochastic environments. Ecological Modelling  open access

87. Geoffroy M, Langbehn T, Priou P, Varpe Ø, Johnsen G, LeBris A, Fisher JAD, Daase M, McKee D, Cohen J, Berge J. 2021. Pelagic organisms avoid white, blue, and red artificial light from scientific instruments. 11: 14941. Scientific Reports open access

86. Ejsmond A, Forchhammer M, Varpe Ø, Jónsson JE, Jørgensen, C.  2021. Nesting synchrony and clutch size in migratory birds: Capital versus income breeding determines responses to variable spring. The American Naturalist  198:E122-E135 open access

85. Hansen ES, Sandvik H, Erikstad KE, Yoccoz NG, Anker-Nilssen T, Bader J, Descamps S, Hodges K, Mesquita MS, Reiertsen TK, Varpe Ø. 2021. Centennial relationships between ocean temperature and Atlantic puffin production reveal shifting decennial trends. Global Change Biology  27: 3753-3764 open access

84. Song H, Ji R, Jin M, Li Y, Feng Z, Varpe Ø, Davis CS. 2021. Strong and regionally distinct links between sea-ice phenology and primary production in the Arctic. Limnology and Oceanography 66: 2498-2508  abstract

83. Bandara K, Varpe Ø, Wijewardene L, Tverberg V, Eiane K. 2021. Two hundred years of zooplankton vertical migration research. Biological Reviews 96: 1547-1589 open access

82. Hobbs L, Banas NS, Cohen JH, Cottier FR, Berge J, Varpe Ø. 2021. A marine zooplankton community vertically structured by light across diel to interannual timescales. Biology Letters 17:20200810 open access

81. Aune M, Raskhozheva E, Andrade H, Augustine S, Bambulyak A, Camus L, Carroll J, Dolgov AV, Hop H, Moiseev D, Renaud PE, Varpe Ø. 2021. Distribution and ecology of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) in the eastern Barents Sea: a review of historical literature. Marine Environmental Research 166: 105262  open access

80. Meyer N, Bollache L, Galipaud M, Moreau J, Dechaume-Moncharmont F, Afonso E, Angerbjörn A, Bêty J, Brown G, Ehrich D, Gilg V, Giroux M, Hansen J, Lanctot R, Lang J, Latty C, Lecomte N, McKinnon L, Kennedy L, Reneerkens J, Saalfeld S, Sabard B, Schmidt NM, Sittler B, Smith P, Sokolov A, Sokolov V, Sokolova N, van Bemmelen R, Varpe Ø, Gilg O. 2021. Behavioural responses of breeding arctic sandpipers to ground-surface temperature and primary productivity. Science of the Total Environment.  755: 1424852  abstract

79. Samplonius JM, Atkinson A, Hassall C, Keogan K, Thackeray SJ, Assmann JJ, Burgess MD, Johansson J, Macphie KH, Pearce-Higgins JW, Simmonds EG, Varpe Ø, Weir JC, Childs DZ, Cole EF, Daunt F, Hart T, Lewis OT, Pettorelli N, Sheldon BC, Phillimore AB. 2021. Strengthening the evidence base for temperature-mediated phenological asynchrony and its impacts. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 5: 155–164  abstract

78. Claireaux M, dos Santos Schmidt TC, Olsen EM, Slotte A, Varpe Ø, Heino M, Enberg K. 2020. Eight decades of adaptive changes in herring reproductive investment: the combined effect of environment and exploitation. ICES Journal of Marine Science  78: 631-639 open access


77. Barth-Jensen C, Koski M, Varpe Ø, Glad P, Wangensteen OS, Præbel K, Svensen C . 2020. Temperature-dependent egg production and egg hatching rates of small egg-carrying and broadcast-spawning copepods Oithona similis, Microsetella norvegica and Microcalanus pusillusJournal of Plankton Research 42: 564-580 abstract and full text

76. Tarroux, A, Cherel Y, Fauchald P, Kato A, Love OP, Ropert-Coudert Y, Spreen G, Varpe Ø, Weimerskirch H, Yoccoz NG, Zahn S, Descamps S. 2020. Foraging tactics in dynamic sea-ice habitats affect individual state in a long-ranging seabird. Functional Ecology 34: 1839-1856 abstract

75. Piltz SH, Hjorth PG, Varpe Ø. 2020. Empirically based minimalistic model for representing seasonal phytoplankton dynamics. Marine Ecology Progress Series 640: 63-77 abstract 

74. Kunisch EH, Bluhm BA, Daase M, Gradinger R, Hop H, Melnikov IA, Varpe Ø, Berge J. 2020. Pelagic occurrences of the ice amphipod Apherusa glacialis throughout the Arctic. Journal of Plankton Research 42: 73-86 abstract and full text


73. Cusa M, Berge J, Varpe Ø. 2019. Seasonal shifts in feeding patterns: individual and population realized specialization in a high Arctic fish. Ecology and Evolution 9: 11112–11121 abstract and full text

72. Descamps S, Ramirez F, Benjaminsen S, Anker-Nilssen T, Barrett RT, Burr Z, Christensen-Dalsgaard S, Erikstad KE, Irons DB, Lorentsen SH, Mallory ML, Robertson GJ, Reiertsen T, Strøm H, Varpe Ø, Lavergne S. 2019. Diverging phenological responses of Arctic seabirds to an earlier spring. Global Change Biology 25: 4081-4091 abstract

71. Hitchcock D, Andersen T, Varpe Ø, Borgå K. 2019. Effects of maternal reproductive investment on sex-specific pollutant accumulation in seabirds: a meta-analysis. Environmental Science & Technology 53: 7821-7829 abstract and full text

70. Hitchcock DJ, Andersen T, Varpe Ø, Loonen MJJE, Warner N, Herzke D, Tombre I, Griffin L, Shimmings P, Borgå K. 2019. Potential effect of migration strategy on pollutant occurrence in eggs of Arctic breeding barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis) Environmental Science & Technology 53: 5427-5435 abstract & full text

69. Hansen BB, Lorentzen JR, Welker JM, Varpe Ø, Aanes R, Beumer LT, Pedersen ÅØ. 2019. Reindeer turning maritime: ice-locked tundra triggers changes in dietary niche utilization. Ecosphere 10(4): e02672 abstract & full text

68. Bandara K, Varpe Ø, Ji R, Eiane K. 2019. Artificial evolution of behavioral and life history strategies of high-latitude copepods in response to bottom-up and top-down selection pressures. Progress in Oceanography 173: 134-164 abstract

67. Scherrer KJN, Kortsch S, Varpe Ø, Weyhenmeyer GA, Gulliksen B, Primicerio R. 2019. Mechanistic model identifies increasing light availability due to sea ice reductions as cause for increasing macroalgae cover in the Arctic. Limnology & Oceanography 64: 330-341 abstract & full text

66. Varpe Ø, Ejsmond MJ. 2018. Trade-offs between storage and survival affect diapause timing in capital breeders. Evolutionary Ecology 32: 623-641 abstract & full text  online appendix

65. Ejsmond MJ, McNamara JM, Søreide J, Varpe Ø. 2018. Gradients of season length and mortality risk cause shifts in body size, reserves and reproductive strategies of determinate growers. Functional Ecology 32: 2395-2406 abstract & full text   appendix

64. Espinasse M, Halsband C, Varpe Ø, Gislason A, Gudmundsson K, Falk-Petersen S, Eiane K. 2018. Interannual variations in phenology in two North-East Atlantic populations of Calanus finmarchicus. Marine Biology Research 14: 752-767 abstract

63. Carlsson P, Vrana B, Sobotka J, Borgå K, Bohlin-Nizzetto P, Varpe Ø. 2018. New brominated flame retardants and dechlorane plus in the Arctic: local sources and bioaccumulation potential in marine benthos. Chemosphere 211: 1193-1202 abstract

62. Record NR, Ji R, Maps F, Varpe Ø, Runge JA, Petrik CM, Johns D 2018. Copepod diapause and the biogeography of the marine lipidscape. Journal of Biogeography 45: 2238-2251 abstract

61. Hitchcock D, Andersen T, Varpe Ø, Borgå K. 2018. Improving data reporting in ecotoxicological studies. Environmental Science & Technology 52: 8061–8062 full text

60. Renaud PE, Daase M, Banas NS, Gabrielsen TM, Søreide JE, Varpe Ø, Cottier F, Falk-Petersen S, Halsband C, Vogedes D, Heggland K, Berge J. 2018. Pelagic food-webs in a changing Arctic: a trait-based perspective suggests a mode of resilience. ICES Journal of Marine Science 75: 1871–1881 abstract & full text

59. Bandara K, Varpe Ø, Ji R, Eiane K. 2018. A high-resolution modeling study on diel and seasonal vertical migrations of high-latitude copepods. Ecological Modelling 368: 357–376 abstract & full text

58. Varpe Ø. 2017. Life History Adaptations to Seasonality. Integrative & Comparative Biology 57: 943–960 abstract & full text

57. Williams CM, Ragland GJ, Betini G, Buckley LB, Cheviron ZA, Donohue K, Hereford J, Humphries MM, Lisovski S, Marshall KE, Schmidt PS, Sheldon, KS, Varpe Ø, Visser ME. 2017. Understanding Evolutionary Impacts of Seasonality: An Introduction to the Symposium. Integrative & Comparative Biology 57: 921–933 abstract & full text

56. Espinasse M, Halsband C, Varpe Ø, Gislason A, Gudmundsson K, Falk-Petersen S, Eiane K 2017. The role of local and regional environmental factors for Calanus finmarchicus and C. hyperboreus abundances in the Nordic Seas. Polar Biology 40: 2363–2380 abstract

55. Langbehn TJ, Varpe Ø. 2017. Sea-ice loss boosts visual search: fish foraging and changing pelagic interactions in polar oceans. Global Change Biology 23: 5318–5330 abstract & full text

54. Fauchald P, Tarroux A, Tveraa T, Cherel Y, Ropert-Coudert Y, Kato A, Love OP, Varpe Ø, Descamps S. 2017. Spring phenology shapes the spatial foraging behavior of Antarctic petrels. Marine Ecology Progress Series 568: 203-215 abstract  pdf

53. Hitchcock D, Varpe Ø, Andersen T, Borgå K. 2017. Effects of reproductive strategies on pollutant concentrations in pinnipeds: a meta-analysis. Oikos 126: 772–781 abstract  pdf

52. Beumer LT, Varpe Ø, Hansen BB. 2017. Cratering behaviour and faecal C:N ratio in relation to seasonal snow-pack characteristics in a high-Arctic ungulate. Polar Research 36:1 1286121 abstract  pdf

51. Wauchope HS, Shaw JD, Varpe Ø, Lappo EG, Boertmann D, Lanctot RB, Fuller RA. 2017. Rapid climate-driven loss of breeding habitat for Arctic migratory birds. Global Change Biology 23: 1085–1094 abstract

50. Descamps S, Tarroux A, Cherel Y, Delord K, Godø OR, Kato A, Krafft BA, Lorentsen SH, Ropert-Coudert Y, Skaret G, Varpe Ø. 2016. At-sea distribution and prey selection of Antarctic petrels and commercial krill fisheries. PLOS ONE 11(8): e0156968 full text

49. Bandara K, Varpe Ø, Søreide JE, Wallenschus J, Berge J, Eiane K. 2016. Seasonal vertical strategies in a high Arctic coastal zooplankton community. Marine Ecology Progress Series 555: 49-64 full text

48. Burr ZM, Varpe Ø, Anker-Nilssen T, Erikstad KE, Descamps S, Barrett RT, Bech C, Christensen-Dalsgaard S, Lorentsen SH, Moe B, Reiertsen TK, Strøm H. 2016. Later at higher latitudes: large-scale variability in seabird breeding timing and synchronicity. Ecosphere 7(5): e01283 full text

47. Milner J, Varpe Ø, Van der Wal R, Hansen BB. 2016. Experimental icing affects growth, mortality and flowering in a high Arctic dwarf shrub. Ecology and Evolution 6: 2139–2148 full text

46. Jin M, Popova EE, Zhang J, Ji R, Pendleton D, Varpe Ø, Yool A, Lee YL. 2016. Ecosystem model intercomparison of under-ice and total primary production in the Arctic Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121: 934–948 abstract

45. Tarroux A, Weimerskirch H, Wang S, Bromwich DH, Cherel Y, Kato A, Ropert-Coudert Y, Varpe Ø, Yoccoz NG, Descamps S. 2016. Flexible flight response to challenging wind conditions in a commuting Antarctic seabird: do you catch the drift? Animal Behaviour 113: 99-112 abstract

44. Descamps S, Tarroux A, Lorentsen SH, Love OP, Varpe Ø, Yoccoz NG 2016. Large-scale oceanographic fluctuations drive Antarctic petrel survival and reproduction. Ecography 39: 496-505 abstract

43. Ejsmond MJ, Varpe Ø, Czarnołęski M, Kozłowski J 2015. Seasonality in offspring value and trade-offs with growth explain capital breeding. American Naturalist 186: E111-E125 abstract

42. Berge J, Renaud PE, Darnis G, Cottier F, Last K, Gabrielsen TM, Johnsen G, Seuthe L, Welsawski JM, Leu E, Moline M, Nahrgang J, Søreide JE, Varpe Ø, Lønne OJ, Daase JM, Falk-Petersen S. 2015. In the dark: a review of ecosystem processes during the Arctic polar night. Progress in Oceanography 139:258-271 abstract  pdf

41. Varpe Ø, Daase M, Kristiansen T. 2015. A fish-eye view on the new Arctic lightscape. ICES Journal of Marine Science 72: 2532-2538 abstract pdf

40. Berge J, Daase M, Renaud P, Ambrose WG, Darnis G, Last KS, Leu E, Cohen J, Johnsen G, Moline M, Varpe Ø, Shunatova N, et al. 2015. Unexpected levels of biological activity during the polar night offer new perspectives on a warming Arctic. Current Biology 25: 2555-2561 abstract

39. Cohen JH, Berge J, Moline MA, Sørensen AJ, Last K, Falk-Petersen S, Renaud P, Leu E, Grenvald J, Cottier F, Cronin H, Menze S, Norgren P, Varpe Ø, Daase M, Darnis G, Johnsen G. 2015 Is ambient light during the high Arctic polar night sufficient to act as a visual cue for zooplankton? PLOS ONE 10(6): e0126247  abstract  pdf

38. Descamps S, Tarroux A, Varpe Ø, Yoccoz NG, Tveraa T, Lorentsen SH. 2015. Demographic effects of extreme weather events: snow storms, breeding success and population growth rate in a long-lived Antarctic seabird. Ecology and Evolution 5: 314-325  abstract   pdf

37. Grigor J, Marais AE, Falk-Petersen S, Varpe Ø. 2015. Polar night ecology of a pelagic predator, the chaetognath Parasagitta elegans. Polar Biology. 38:87-98  abstract

36. Webster CN, Varpe Ø, Stübner E, Falk-Petersen S, Berge J, Brierley AS. 2015. Moonlit swimming: vertical distributions of macrozooplankton and nekton during the polar night. Polar Biology  38:75-85  abstract


35. Hansen BB, Isaksen K, Benestad RE, Kohler J, Pedersen ÅØ, Loe LE, Coulson SJ, Larsen JO, Varpe Ø. 2014. Warmer and wetter winters: characteristics and implications of an extreme weather event in the high arctic. Environmental Research Letters 9 114021 abstract   pdf

34. Jönsson M, Varpe Ø, Kozlowski T, Berge J, Kröger R 2014. Differences in lens optical plasticity in two gadoid fishes meeting in the Arctic. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 200: 949-957  abstract

33. Sainmont J, Andersen KH, Varpe Ø, Visser AW. 2014. Capital versus income breeding in a seasonal environment. American Naturalist. 184: 466-476  abstract

32. Berge J, Cottier F, Varpe Ø, Renaud PE, Falk-Petersen S, Kwasniewski S, Griffiths C, Søreide JE, G Johnsen, Aubert A, Bjærke O, Hovinen J, Juul-Madsen S, Tveit M, Majaneva S. 2014. Arctic complexity: a case study on diel vertical migration of zooplankton. Journal of Plankton Research 36: 1279-1297  full text   pdf

31. Sainmont J, Gislason A, Heuschele J, Webster C, Sylvander P, Wang M, Varpe Ø. 2014. Inter and intra-specific diurnal habitat selection of zooplankton during the spring bloom observed by video plankton recorder. Marine Biology 161: 1931-1941 abstract   online appendix  

30. Nahrgang J, Varpe Ø, Korshunova E, Murzina S, Hallanger IG , Vieweg I, Berge J. 2014. Gender specific reproductive strategies of an Arctic key species (Boreogadus saida) and implications of climate change. PLOS ONE  9: e98452   abstract   pdf

29. Grigor JJ, Søreide JE, Varpe Ø. 2014. Seasonal ecology and life history of the high-latitude predatory zooplankter Parasagitta elegans. Marine Ecology Progress Series 499:77-88 abstract  pdf

28. Daase M, Varpe Ø, Falk-Pedersen S. 2014. Non-consumptive mortality in copepods: occurrence of Calanus spp. carcasses in the Arctic Ocean during winter. Journal of Plankton Research 36: 129-144  full text

27. Lydersen C, Assmy P, Falk-Petersen S, Kohler J, Kovacs KM, Reigstad M, Steen H, Strøm H, Sundfjord A, Varpe Ø, Walczowski W, Weslawski JM, Zajaczkowski M. 2014. The importance of tidewater glaciers for marine mammals and seabirds in Svalbard, Norway. Journal of Marine Systems 129: 452-471  abstract   pdf

26. Daase M, Falk-Petersen S, Varpe Ø, Darnis G, Søreide JE, Wold A, Leu E, Berge J, Philippe B, Fortier L. 2013. Timing of reproductive events in the marine copepod Calanus glacialis: a Pan-Arctic perspective. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70: 871-884 abstract

25. Ji R, Jin M, Varpe Ø. 2013. Sea ice phenology and timing of primary production pulses in the Arctic Ocean. Global Change Biology  19: 734-741 abstract

24. Kraft A, Berge J, Varpe Ø, Falk-Petersen S. 2013. Feeding in Arctic darkness: mid-winter diet of the pelagic amphipods Themisto abyssorum and T. libellula. Marine Biology 160: 241-248  full text

23. Berge J, Varpe Ø, Moline M, Wold A, Renaud PE, Daase M, Falk-Petersen S. 2012. Retention of ice-associated amphipods: possible consequences for an ice-free Arctic Ocean. Biology Letters. 8: 1012-101 full text

22. Welcker J, Beiersdorf A, Varpe Ø, Steen H. 2012. Mass fluctuations suggest different functions of bimodal foraging trips in a central place forager. Behavioral Ecology. 23: 1372-1378  abstract   pdf

21. Gabrielsen TM, Merkel B, Søreide JE, Johansson-Karlsson E, Bailey J, Vogedes D, Nygård H, Varpe Ø, Berge J. 2012. Potential misidentifications of two climate indicator species of the marine arctic ecosystem: Calanus glacialis and C. finmarchicus. Polar Biology  35: 1621-1628 full text

20. Varpe Ø. 2012. Fitness and phenology: annual routines and zooplankton adaptations to seasonal cycles. Journal of Plankton Research 34: 267-276  pdf  full text

19. Renaud PE, Berge J, Varpe Ø, Lønne OJ, Nahrgang J, Ottesen C, Hallanger I. 2012. Is the poleward expansion by Atlantic cod and haddock threatening native polar cod, Boreogadus saida? Polar Biology. 35: 401-412  full text

18. Enberg K, Jørgensen C, Dunlop ES, Varpe Ø, Boukal DS, Baulier L, Eliassen S, Heino M. 2012. Fishing-induced evolution of growth: concepts, mechanisms, and the empirical evidence. Marine Ecology. 33: 1-25  pdf   most read 2012

17. Varpe Ø, Fiksen Ø. 2010. Seasonal plankton-fish interactions: light regime, prey phenology, and herring foraging. Ecology. 91: 311-318   abstract & full text   pdf

16. Nygård H, Wallenschus J, Camus L, Varpe Ø, Berge J. 2010. Annual routines and life history of the amphipod Onisimus litoralis: seasonal growth, body composition and energy budget. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 417: 115-126  pdf

15. Vogedes D, Varpe Ø, Søreide JE, Graeve M, Berge J, Falk-Petersen S. 2010. Lipid sac area as a proxy for individual lipid content of arctic calanoid copepods. Journal of Plankton Research 32: 1471-1477  pdf   cover photo 

14. Varpe Ø. 2010. Stealing bivalves from common eiders: kleptoparasitism by glaucous gulls in spring. Polar Biology. 33: 359-365   full text   online appendix


13. Hanssen SA, Bustnes JO, Tveraa T, Hasselquist D, Varpe Ø, Henden JA. 2009. Individual quality and reproductive effort mirrored in white wing plumage in both sexes of south polar skuas. Behavioral Ecology. 20: 961-966  pdf

12. Berge J, Renaud PE, Eiane K, Gulliksen B, Cottier FR, Varpe Ø, Brattegard T. 2009. Changes in the decapod fauna of an Arctic fjord during the last 100 years (1908-2007). Polar Biology 32: 953-961.  full text

11. Varpe Ø, Jørgensen C, Tarling GA, Fiksen Ø. 2009. The adaptive value of energy storage and capital breeding in seasonal environments. Oikos 118: 363-370.  pdf

10. Berge J, Cottier F, Last K, Varpe Ø, Leu E, Søreide J, Eiane K, Falk-Petersen S, Willis K, Nygård H, Vogedes D, Griffiths C, Johnsen G, Lorentzen D, Brierley AS. 2009. Diel vertical migration of Arctic zooplankton during the polar night. Biology Letters 5: 69-72.  full text

9. Heino M, Baulier L, Boukal DS, Dunlop ES, Eliassen S, Enberg K, Jørgensen C, Varpe Ø. 2008. Evolution of growth in Gulf of St Lawrence cod? Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 275: 1111-1112.  full text

8. Titelman J, Varpe Ø, Eliassen S, Fiksen Ø. 2007. Copepod mating: chance or choice? Journal of Plankton Research 29: 1023-1030. full text

7. Bustnes JO, Tveraa T, Varpe Ø, Henden JA, Skaare JU. 2007. Reproductive performance and organochlorine pollutants in an Antarctic marine top predator: the south polar skua. Environment International 33: 911-918  pdf

6. Varpe Ø, Jørgensen C, Tarling GA, Fiksen Ø. 2007. Early is better: seasonal egg fitness and timing of reproduction in a zooplankton life-history model. Oikos 116: 1331-1342  pdf   online appendix

5. Bustnes JO, Tveraa T, Henden JA, Varpe Ø, Janssen K, Skaare JU. 2006. Organochlorines in Antarctic and Arctic avian top predators: a comparison between the South Polar Skua and two species of northern hemisphere gulls. Environmental Science & Technology 40: 2826-2831.  pdf

4. Varpe Ø, Fiksen Ø, Slotte A. 2005. Meta-ecosystems and biological energy transport from ocean to coast: the ecological importance of herring migration. Oecologia 146: 443-451  pdf

3. Varpe Ø, Tveraa T. 2005. Chick survival in relation to nest site: is the Antarctic petrel hiding from its predator? Polar Biology 28: 388-394 pdf

2. Varpe Ø, Tveraa T, Folstad I. 2004. State-dependent parental care in the Antarctic petrel: responses to manipulated chick age during early chick rearing. Oikos 106 (3) 479-488  pdf

1. Fiksen Ø, Varpe Ø, Kaartvedt S. 2004. Reply to Horizons Article ‘Some ideas about the role of lipids in the life cycle of Calanus finmarchicus’ Irigoien (2004): II. Journal of Plankton Research 26: 980  full text

Book chapters

Varpe Ø, Bauer S. 2022. Seasonal animal migrations and the Arctic: ecology, diversity, and spread of infectious agents. pp 47-76 In: Tryland M [ed.] Arctic one health - challenges for northern animals and people. Springer International Publishing. chapter online

Winder M, Varpe Ø. 2020. Interactions in plankton food webs: seasonal succession and phenology of Baltic Sea zooplankton. pp 162-191. In: Teodósio MA, Barbosa AB [eds.] Zooplankton Ecology. CRC Press.  book description   preview

Varpe Ø, Ejsmond MJ. 2018. Semelparity and iteroparity. pp 97-123. In: Thiel M, Wellborn GA [eds.]. The Natural History of the Crustacea: Life Histories. Oxford University Press. Google preview   at Oxford U. Press

Halsband C, Eiane K, Varpe Ø, Falk-Petersen S. 2017. Calanus: a key player in the Northern Seas ecosystem. pp 131-140 In: Sand G, Dahle S, Misund OA [eds.] Arctic Approach. Fagbokforlageton Research Gate

Selected reports and feature articles

Hitchcock D, Andersen T, Borgå K, Varpe Ø. 2018. Pollutants and energy brought from afar in arctic geese. FRAM FORUM 2018. 106-111. read online

Hansen BB, Isaksen K, Varpe Ø. Vinteren 2017–18 er den varmeste noensinne registrert i Arktis. Aftenposten Viten. 14 March 2018.

Veiberg V, Danielsen P, Loe LE, Stien A, Peeters B, Hansen BB, Irvine RJ, Ropstad E, Albon SD, Tveraa T, Varpe Ø. (2017) Klimaeffektar på svalbardreinens kalvingstidspunkt – NINA Rapport 1311. 33 s.  abstract and pdf

Virginia RA, Sfraga M, Arnbom T, Chamberlain L, Chatwood S, Diş AT, Gjørv GH, Harms TK, Hansen A, Holdmann G, Johnson N, Lantz T, Magnússon B, Neuhaus IS, Poelzer G, Sokka L, Tysiachniouk M, Varpe Ø, Vestergaard N. 2016. The Fulbright Arctic Initiative: An Innovative Model for Policy Relevant Research and Public Outreach. Arctic Yearbook. 180-193. full text  pdf

Burr Z, Varpe Ø. 2016. Seabird breeding timing at high latitudes. FRAM FORUM 2016. 18-21. full text

Hansen BB, Isaksen K, Loe LL, Haugen JE, Benestad R, Milner J, van der Wal R, Varpe Ø. 2015. Varmere og våtere svalbardvintre: konsekvenser for natur og samfunn. METreport No. 20/2015. ISSN 2387-4201 pdf

Wauchope H, Shaw J, Varpe Ø, Boertmann D, Fuller R. 2015. Environmental niche modelling for polar species using MaxEnt. Pp. 39-43 in: Vongraven D (ed.) Assessing vulnerability of flora and fauna in polar areas. Norwegian Polar Institute Brief Report Series No. 32. Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø, Norway. pdf

Varpe Ø, Baardsen BJ. 2014. Adventdalsdeltaet og fjæreplyttens sesongmessige bruk av det marine habitat. Akvaplan-niva rapport nr 6280-1 pdf

Varpe Ø, Fiksen Ø. 2005. Zooplankton-fish interactions and the fat conveyor-belt in the Norwegian Sea. GLOBEC International Newsletter 11 No. 2: 4-6 pdf

Reports within education, teaching and learning:

Vandvik V, Varpe Ø, Førland O. 2016. En kultur for utdanningskvalitet. Morgenbladet. 17 June. In Norwegian. full text

Damsgård B, Strømseng E, Varpe Ø. 2017. Are learning outcomes affected by course intensity and workload? 2nd EuroSoTL, Lund. 1-6.  pdf


Eider flock patrolled by gulls


In the field - with students


Fieldwork - and summer in the Arctic