Seasonal Ecology Group

Seasonal Ecology

Seasonality is a central template in nature and an important selective force. We aim to understand how seasonal environments shape ecological processes and evolutionary adaptations and how human stressors impact these processes. Most of our research questions have an annual cycle perspective to them. We run both theoretical and empirical studies. Coastal and marine organisms form the main part of our work, but with some studies also in terrestrial systems including links between sea and land.

The Seasonal Ecology Group is a research lab led by Øystein Varpe and based at Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen. It is  embedded in the larger multi-lab unit Theoretical Ecology Group

Coasts - where sea and land meet

Summer on the rocky shores

Two generations - and spectators


Our field is evolutionary ecology, with particular attention to how seasonality shapes ecological processes and evolutionary adaptations.

Central topics in our lab:

Some current projects

ClimateNarratives Varpe is WP-leader and adviser for two PhD-candidates. Funded by the Research Council of Norway (RCN).

The Nansen Legacy Varpe is sub-task leader and PhD adviser. Funded by RCN.

Migratory Crossroads Akvaplan-NIVA leads. Funded by RCN.

CASCADES Understanding human-induced trophic cascades in coastal ecosystems. NINA leads. Funded by RCN.

The impact of artificial light on arctic marine organisms and ecosystems during the polar night (Deep Impact). UiT leads. Funded by RCN.

Øystein Varpe - Professor. Evolutionary ecology, Population biology, Marine ecology

Juan Manuel Valero Rodríguez - Postdoc. Macroalgae ecology

Robynne Nowicki - PhD candidate. Energy content in Arctic zooplankton and fish

Iliana-Vasiliki Ntinou - PhD candidate. Plankton ecology

Steven Guidos - PhD candidate. Trophic cascades in coastal systems

Rebecca Duncan - PhD candidate. Sea ice algae and trophic interactions

Tom Langbehn - affiliated researcher. Zooplankton-fish interactions

Martyna Syposz - affiliated researcher. Seabird ecology 

Zofia Burr - affiliated researcher. Seabird breeding timing

Frida Hinna - MSc student, Seabird breeding timing

Marte Åsmul - MSc studnet, Sea grass ecology

Gabriele Tosetti - MSc studnet, Seabird foraging ecology

Laís PeriniMSc studnet, Seabird ecology

 More about us

Three recent publications:

Langbehn et al. 2023. Visual predation risk and spatial distributions of large Arctic copepods along gradients of sea ice and bottom depth. Limnology and Oceanography open access

Nowicki et al. 2023. Energy content of krill and amphipods in the Barents Sea from summer to winter: variation across species and size. Polar Biology  open access

Varpe & Gabrielsen. 2022. Aggregations of foraging black guillemots (Cepphus grylle) at a sea-ice edge in front of a tidewater glacier. Polar Research open access

and some "classics":

Varpe 2017. Life History Adaptations to Seasonality. Integrative & Comparative Biology full text

Varpe, Daase, Kristiansen 2015. A fish-eye view on the new Arctic lightscape. ICES Journal of Marine Science full text

Ji, Jin, Varpe. 2013. Sea ice phenology and timing of primary production pulses in the Arctic Ocean. Global Change Biology abstract

Varpe 2012. Fitness and phenology: annual routines and zooplankton adaptations to seasonal cycles. Journal of Plankton Research full text

Varpe et al. 2007. Early is better: seasonal egg fitness and timing of reproduction in a zooplankton life-history model. Oikos pdf 

Full list of publications

Collaborators and networks

bioCEED - Centre for Excellence in Biology Education.  ARCTOS - Arctic marine ecosystem research network.  Section for Aquatic biology and toxicology (AQUA), University of Oslo.  Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics, NTNU. DEEP - Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences, Stockholm University.  The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS).  Farallon Institute, California.  Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). 

Theoretical Ecology Group, University of Bergen - where many in the group also belong.

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) - where Øystein has an adjunct position.

Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research - where some of us are also affiliated.


Reflections on Papers Past - revisiting old papers in ecology and evolution through interviews.

Life history evolution. Online lecture by Steven Stearns, Yale University.

We have at all times acknowledged seasons. Vivaldi's musical conception in The Four Seasons (Le quattro stagioni) is a splendid artistic reminder - here an amazing performance of Winter (L'inverno).