IV. Quartermaster


    1. Lead a discussion on the subject participating citizenship at a ship meeting or with a separate group of your peers.

      1. Reference: See "Leading a Discussion" on page 52.

      2. Web Reference: Ethics: Scouting is a game with a purpose

    2. Write and submit a paper of about 200 words that tells how and what your ship can do to contribute to the world fellowship of Scouting.

      1. Or

      2. Prepare a written analysis of one of the following: your ship's bylaws, constitution, administration, or ceremonies and make recommendations for change to your ship's Quarterdeck.

      3. Reference: See Citizenship in the World merit badge pamphlet, No. 33260.

      4. Web Reference: Citizenship in the World merit badge

      5. Active Membership

    1. 3. Attend at least 75 percent of your ship's meetings and special activities for 18 months (including previous service of Apprentice, Ordinary, and Able).

    2. Note: Check with your ship's yeoman.

    3. Present a brief talk or program (15 minutes in length is suggested) on Sea Scouting at a service club, religious organization, PTA, or other adult organization.

    4. Reference: See "Making a Speech" on page 51.

    5. While an Able Sea Scout, plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to any religious institution, any school, or your community. The project idea must be approved by your Skipper and ship committee and approved by the council or district before you start. This service project should involved your ship and at least one other group.

    6. Note: You must use the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, No. 18-927 in meeting this requirement.

    7. References: See page 83 and Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, No. 18-927, and Quartermaster Service Project Workbook.

      1. Special Skills

    1. Boats: Demonstrate and teach the Motorboating merit badge. Know the principles of springing into and out from a dock, from both bow and stern, using an engine depending on the type of craft used by your ship.

    2. Take charge of the craft used by your ship, or suitable powered craft and give all necessary commands to the crew while coming alongside and getting under way in several wind and current situations.

    3. References: See "Orders to the Crew" on page 155 and Motorboating merit badge pamphlet, No. 33294.

    4. Note: The purpose of this requirement is to demonstrate a knowledge of the effect of propeller, steering, and hull in boat handling.

    5. Marlinspike Seamanship: Teach the Ordinary and Able requirements No. 7, Marlinspike Seamanship to a crew. Demonstrate an eye splice in double braided line.

    6. References: See pages 123 through 145 and pages 154 through 155.

    7. Web Reference: Knots on the web

    8. Ground Tackle: Teach the Ordinary and Able requirements No. 8, Ground Tackle, to a crew.

    9. Know the methods of bringing a boat to anchor or mooring with special emphasis on wind and current with respect to the vessel's course and speed.

    10. Take charge of the craft used by your ship and give all commands to the crew for anchoring and weighing anchor in several different wind and current situations.

    11. Take charge of the craft used by your ship and give all commands to the crew for picking up a mooring buoy and properly mooring the vessel in several wind and current situations.

    12. Reference: See "Ground Tackle" on page 145.

    13. Note: Depending on the type of craft used by your ship, this requirement may be met either under sail or power.

    14. Piloting: Teach the Ordinary requirement No. 9 and Able requirement No. 15 to a crew.

    15. Know the methods of fixing a boat's position in limited visibility, and the special precautions that should be taken when limited visibility is encountered.

    16. References: See "Piloting and Rules of the Road" on page 170 and "Navigation and Weather" on page 223.

    17. Web Reference: U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center

    18. Signaling: Draw the international code flags and pennants from memory and give the single-letter meanings of the flags. Demonstrate your ability to use the book, International Code of Signals.

    19. Note: The International Code of Signals may be secured from most marine supply stores.

    20. Reference: See "The International Code Flags" on page 222.

    21. Web Reference: International code flags - special meanings

    22. Web Reference: International Code of Signals - Pub. 102

    23. Swimming:Meet the requirements for BSA Lifeguard or Red Cross lifesaving, and obtain certification where applicable.

    24. References: BSA Lifeguard Counselor Guide, No. 34536, and Application for BSA Lifeguard, No. 34435.

    25. Web Reference: BSA Lifeguard

    26. Cruising: Take command of a vessel with a crew of not less than four Sea Scouts for at least 48 hours (including two consecutive nights). Do no work while in command. You must delegate all duties and supervise only. During the cruise complete the following:

        1. Inspect the vessel for required equipment.

        2. Supervise the menu preparation.

        3. Prepare the boat to get under way with a proper checklist.

        4. Anchor, dock, and maintain course by commands to the helmsman.

        5. Remain under way for at an extended period during darkness. Discuss appropriate nighttime running procedures.

        6. While under way, perform man overboard, damage control, abandon ship, fire fighting, collision drills, and any other drills used by your ship.

During this cruise no substantial errors may be committed. A competent adult leader should grade and observe this requirement and, if necessary for safety reasons, take command of the vessel.

Safety: Know the heavy weather precautions taken aboard both power and sailing craft when dangerous weather approaches, and demonstrate these precautions aboard the craft used by your ship.

Reference: See "Heavy Weather" on page 251.

Rules of the Road: Teach Able Requirement No. 14, Rules of the Road, and demonstrate a working knowledge of both international and inland navigation rules.

Reference: See "Rules of the Road" on page 174.

Web Reference: Admiralty law

Web Reference: Right of Way

Web Reference: Inland navigation rules

Weather: Demonstrate your ability to read a barometer, thermometer, anemometer, psychrometer, and weather vane. Be familiar with the Beaufort scale of winds and seas.

Read and understand a local weather bulletin. Know how to obtain current marine and weather reports from the National Weather Service in your area either by telephone or radio.

Know weather signs for your local area, including cloud types, and prepare a 48-hour forecast from them. Compare your forecast with the actual weather that occurred.

Reference: See "Weather" on page 235, and Weather merit badge pamphlet, No. 33274.

Web Reference: Interactive Weather Observations

Web Reference: Weather merit badge

Electives: Do four of the following.

Note: Check with ship's officers before selecting electives to assure that they will be consistent with the ship's program.

    1. Sailing: Know the principles of handling a schooner, ketch, yawl, or other suitable sailing craft. Under competent direction, take charge of a crew and demonstrate your ability to handle a suitable sailing craft in all points of sail.

    2. Note: The key to success here are the words competent direction. You must secure the guidance of the adult related to the sailboat you will use. Read the reference material he or she suggests, and learn by doing as you sail together.

    3. Engines: Explain the principal features of steam turbine, turboelectric, direct reversing diesel, diesel-electric, gas turbine, nuclear, gasoline, and diesel engines and the relative advantages of each type.

    4. Understand the operation of spark ignition and compression ignition for internal combustion engines used aboard small craft.

    5. Be familiar with the engine aboard the craft used by your ship, including its principles of operation, fuel, lubrication, cooling and electrical systems, and their component parts.

    6. Be able to locate and correct minor engine troubles according to the engine manufacturer's troubleshooting guide.

    7. Note: With the help of your ship's officers, locate a consultant who has a knowledge of engines. Read the consultant's suggested reference material, and ask the consultant to relate this to the engine aboard your craft.

    8. Reference: See "Boat Maintenance and Engines" on page 157.

    9. Radio: Qualify for and obtain the Marine Radio Operator Permit as issued by the Federal Communications Commission.

    10. Note: Look in the blue pages of your local telephone book for the address and telephone number of your nearest U.S. Federal Communications Commission field office. Ask for an application and appropriate study materials, and secure the help of a qualified adult. Sight-impaired applicants will receive a special examination.

    11. Web Reference: Marine Radio Operator Permit (FCC)

    12. Web Reference: Maritime telecommunications

    13. Web Reference: Radio information for boaters

    14. Boat Maintenance: Take charge of reconditioning or overhauling at least one of your ship's boats, or take charge of hauling out the principal craft used by your ship. In either case, lay out a plan of the work to be done in advance, including an estimate of the materials, tools, cost, and time involved.

    15. Note: Work closely with an adult leader of your ship to carry out this requirement.

    16. Reference: See "Boat Maintenance and engines" on page 157.

    17. Electricity: Know and demonstrate the correct method of rescuing a person in contact with a live wire. Demonstrate the approved method of resuscitation.

    18. Understand the construction of simple battery cells. Demonstrate the proper care of storage batteries.

    19. Understand the difference between direct current and alternating current and the best uses for each.

    20. Demonstrate that you know how to replace fuses, reset circuit breakers, and properly splice shipboard electric cable.

    21. Submit a diagram of the electrical system aboard the craft used by your ship or aboard another craft.

    22. Understand wire tables, the current-carrying capacity of circuits, and the hazards and prevention of electrical overloading.

    23. Understand electrolysis as applied to the deterioration of a boat's underwater fittings by galvanic action and its prevention.

    24. Note: Secure the help of a qualified adult to help you understand the wiring of your boat and the effects of galvanic action on the underwater fittings of your boat.

    25. Reference: See "Electrical Systems" on page 167.

    26. Navigation: Understand how the sextant works. Show how to use it and demonstrate measuring horizontal angles and altitudes. Understand the navigator's day's work.

    27. Demonstrate finding latitude by the altitude of Polaris or by the sun's altitude at local apparent noon. Demonstrate how longitude is determined.

    28. Demonstrate finding error in the boat's compass by the sun's azimuth.

    29. Note: Celestial navigation and sextant use are far too complicated to describe and illustrate effectively in a manual of this type. Secure the help of a consultant and read the literature he or she recommends.

    30. Web Reference: Celestial Navigation Net

    31. Web Reference: U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center

    32. Drill: Demonstrate the ability to handle the ship's company in close-order drill. Do all required maneuvers.

    33. Reference: See pages 44 through 50.

    34. Web Reference: Drill

    35. Web Reference: Sea Scout Drill Manual

    36. Piloting: Under competent direction, assume the con of your ship's vessel. Plot its projected course between two ports, and cruise that course mooring to mooring, handling all piloting duties and acting as officer of the deck. The cruise should be made in daylight hours with good visibility.

    37. Reference: See pages 170 through 218.

    38. Yacht Racing Crew: Take charge of a crew in a race using current ISAF racing rules.

    39. Web Reference: International Sailing Federation

    40. Web Reference: ISAF Racing Rules for Sailing

    41. Web Reference: US Sailing Association

    42. Rigging: Demonstrate your ability to splice and handle wire rope, attach wire rope fittings, and complete a safety and tuning inspection of a ship vessel.

    43. References: See "Splicing" on page 133 and "Wire Rope" on page 137.