
Craft: If you or your parents didn't come to Canada from another country, there's a good chance you have grandparents or great grandparents who did! Find out what country(s) your family members came from, and draw a family tree that shows that, with flags, pictures, words in the language(s) people speak in those countries, and anything else that you find especially interesting.

STEM: People come to Canada in lots of different ways -- they might travel on a boat or plane, drive a car, or even walk! If you found out where your relatives came to Canada from, use Google Maps to discover how long it would take to travel from there to Drumheller if you travelled in different ways. How would you most like to travel if you were moving to another country?

Writing Prompt: Your character has moved to a new planet with his or her family and wants to join a sport team at school. Unfortunately, your character has never heard of the sport, and the rules only work because the new planet is so different from their home planet. How will they learn the sport? Will they win a spot on the team?

Go Outside: Go for a walk and imagine that all the things you're used to seeing everyday are new and unfamiliar. What do you notice that you haven't before? If you moved to Canada, find something where you live now that reminds you of where you moved from, and tell a friend about it.

Meeting Canada

Our New Home: Immigrant Children Speak ed. by Emily Hearne and Marywinn Milne

Dear Canada: Hoping for Home: Stories of Arrival by Various Authors

Last Airlift: a Vietnamese Orphan's Rescue from War and One Step at a Time: a Vietnamese Child Finds Her Way by Marsha Skrypuch