9. 2 T-shirtDesignContest

Thanks for your participation and voting. The contest result will be announced at the Contest. 1/12/2014

The winner will be invited and recognized at the SDJSC 2014 at the Carlsbad Library!


Thanks for the entries!! Now it's your turn to vote for the best design.

Please visit the link then hit the LIKE button below the design. There are four entries.

For a fair voting, we hid the artist's name. THANK YOU!!


To vote your favorite one now, click one of the following picture, then click a Like button. ^_^

Just know there are four entries.

The first picture

The second picture

The third picture

The fourth picture

Contest Guidelines

The T-shirt Design Contest is open to all students who are currently studying Japanese, who studied Japanese in the past, or who plan to study Japanese in the near future. The guidelines for the Contest are as follows:

  • Submissions should be in digital format (PDF). Send your design to SDJSCC@gmail.com

  • Work must not have been previously published.

  • The theme is something related to Japan, its language, society, and culture, pop or ancient.

  • Any wording or design should be original work.

  • Plagiarism will not be tolerated.

  • Deadline 12:00 AM November 30th, 2013.

  • The T-shirt is white, and your design has to be in one color. (note: due to a low number of entry-two color design has been included but in case it was selected, it should be in one color. added12/4/2013)

  • Ownership of the winning design: SDJSC has the rights to reproduce and use for the future contest promotional and educational use.

All designs and drawings should be submitted no later than 12: 00 AM November 30th, 2013. Will be reviewed by our Contest Committee members. The best 5 finalists will be announced in December on our Facebook. The number of Facebook Likes on each design will determine the score each finalist receives. It will be closed in one month. One design will be recognized at the Contest 3/23/2013 and the winner will receive the T-shirt, etc. The final closing date for the voting period will be announced along with the announcement of the finalists.

We look forward to the unique design we all will enjoy!


T-shirt design contest Entry Form:

Please type the following information and cut it and paste it in the email body.

Please send the two files (your information below and the design) to SDJSCC@gmail.com by the end of November.





Zip Code:

Email address:

Labeling your work: Label your design in PDF when you save your work.

Name of the school/college:

Are you currently enrolled in the Japanese program? Which school?

Are you planning to be enrolled in the Japanese program?

Were you enrolled in the Japanese program?

Please send your design in the pdf format by attachment

with the above information in the email body.

Thanks to San Diego YuYu (https://www.facebook.com/TheSanDiegoYuYu)