3 Program

「サンディエゴ恒例日本語スピーチコンテストはこの地区で日本語を勉強している多くの学生方の励みになればという願いから1996年より毎年開催されています。今年コンテストに参加なさった方もこれから参加なさりたい方も参加することによって、多くのことを学ぶことができます。また来年のコンテストにも皆様ご参加ください。」Mrs. Hisako Coox (Founder of Speech Contest in San Diego/Former president of Japan-US Center)

Schedule of Event 1:00pm Opening

Frederic Hewett, Master of Ceremonies

Opening Remarks: Fumiko Tachibana, president of San Diego Japanese Speech Contest Committee

Lina Huang from Vista High School: SDJSC 2014 T-shirt design contest winner

Dacoda Strack (UCI): the national champion 2013.

Video greetings: Ms. Kate Leonard, Honorary Consul General of Japan in San Diego

Introduction of Special Guests and Judges:

Vice Consul Taeko Yamada, Consulate-General of Japan, Los Angeles

Ms. Kyoko Shoji, Notre Dame High School, Los Angeles

Dr. Eiko Ushida, Head Judge, School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, UCSD

Announcement of judging criteria: Dr. Eiko Ushida, Head Judge

Announcement of prizes

1:30 pm Speeches emceed by Nico Castillo & Aki Miyashita

High School Category

1 Mark Andrews マーク・アンドリューズ (San Dieguito Academy)

Title: 「日本のアニメ」 “Anime”

2 Eduardo Arguelloエドワルド・アーグエイヨ (Hilltop High School)

Title: 「にほんでのぼうけん」 “My Japanese Adventures”

3 Se Yeon Choi セヨン・チェ (Canyon Crest Academy)

Title: 「ねこちゃん」 “Cats”

4 Patrick Cunziio パトリック・クンジオ (San Dieguito Academy)

Title: 「日本語のクラス」 “Japanese Class”

5 Zak Dahl ザック・ドール (San Dieguito Academy)

Title: 「 日本の旅行」 “Trip to Japan”

6 Jacqueline Julia Lodman ジャクリーン・ロッドマン (Heritage Digital Academy High School)

Title: 「わらわないでください」 “Please don’t laugh at me”

7 Carlos Servando Monsivais カルロス・モンシィヴァイス (Hilltop High School)

Title: 「ぼくのアラスカのぼうけん」 “My Adventure in Alaska”

8 Sienna Maria Wong シエナ・ウォング (San Marcos High School)

Title: 「アニメのちから」 “The Power of Anime”

Intermission (5 minutes)

College/University Category

9 Jody Cheung ジョディー・チャン(Palomar College)

Title: 「星が見えますか」 “Can you see the stars tonight?”

10 Megan Faith Haberstroh メーガン・ハバーストロ (Grossmont Community College)

Title: 「現代の演歌」 “Enka in the Modern Day”

11 Yuhong Hu ユーホン・フー (University of California, San Diego)

Title: 「チキンウィングを食べることが大好きです」 “I like to eat chicken wing!”

12 Lily Mei Kha リリー・カー (University of San Diego)

Title: 「私の留学経験」 “My study abroad experience”

13 Kyong Ha Kim キム ・キョンハ (University of San Diego)

Title: 「幸せになる一歩」 “One Step Closer to Happiness”

14 Won Suh Kim キム ・ ウォンソ (University of California, San Diego)

Title: 「韓国人が日本語を」 “A Korean Studying Japanese?”

15 Hanchao Liu ハンチョウ・リュウ (University of California, San Diego)

Title: 「本当の日本」 “The Real Japan”

16 Nimish Kameshwar Pratha ニミシュ・プラサ (University of California, San Diego)

Title: 「海を越える言葉の橋」 “A Bridge of Language Spanning Sea”

17 Jensen R. Reed ジェンセン・リード (Grossmont College)

Title: 「長野けんの有名な所」 “Nagano Prefecture's Famous Places”

18 Joseph Tesoro ジョー・テソロ (San Diego State University)

Title: 「家事の役割」 “Roles of men and women in the household”

19 I-Han (Erica) Yeh イハン・イェ (University of California, San Diego)

Title: 「私の国のタブーや迷信」 “Taboo and Superstitions in My Country”

Intermission (40 minutes)

Kimono Introduction and Demonstration: Ms.Kiyoko Morito

Japanese Dance: Ms. Tomoko Nagai

4:15 pm Announcement of Winners:

General Comments from Dr. Eiko Ushida

Recognition of awards: high school level followed by college level

Special Awards: Humor, Most Creative, and Best Effort presented by: Ms. Kyoko Shoji

3rd place and 2nd place presented by: Dr. Eiko Ushida

Consul General's Special Award presented by: Vice Consul Taeko Yamada

Closing Remarks: Vice Consul Taeko Yamada

Photo time

Speecial thanks to the following individuals:

Teachers in San Diego. Thank you for their participation and sending contestants.

(honorific titles are omitted)

Ms. Hifumi Ito, Dr. Ryu Kitajima, Mr. Don Quinn, Ms. Eriko Shoji, Ms. Fumiko Tachibana,

Ms. Hiroko Takagi, Ms. Izumi Takeda, Ms. Yuko Tipton, Ms. Hiroko Townsend, Ms. Rie Tsuboi

Volunteers. Thank you for their hard work and dedication!

Mizuho Lund, Tianying Lee, Noel Martinez, Aki Miyashita, Siddhartha Nelakuditi, Alex Wang

John Andrews, Nico Castillo, Tina Chan, Lyle Hall, Fred Hewett, Keiko Ito, Toshiko Kusano,

Dr. Eiko Ushida, School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, University of California, San Diego (Head Judge)

Ms. Kyoko Shoji, Notre Dame High School, Los Angeles

Vice Consul Taeko Yamada, Consulate General of Japan, Los Angeles

Special guests for the event:

Ms. Kiyoko Morito and Ms. Tomoko Nagai

Honorary guests and Judges:

Ms. Kate Leonard, Honorary Consul General of Japan in San Diego

Participating schools:

Palomar College, San Diego State University, University of California San Diego, University of San Diego

Canyon Crest Academy, Heritage Digital Academy High School, Hilltop High School, San Dieguito Academy, Grossmont College

Special thanks to the following organizations for the prize donations and contributions

Niigata Seiryo University, SONY, UNO-JAPANprogram, Kyocera International, Cheng & Tsui,

Stone Bridge Press, Mitsuwa Market, Nijiya Market, Bookoff, Chopstix, Niban, JAL

Special thanks to the following organizations for the giveaways

Wakita & Associates, Nippon Express Travels, I-ACE Travel, Japan Foundation

Special Thanks to San Diego Yuyu

March 23, 2014



Lion’s Club

Japan-US Center

Tachibana Language Center

Consulate-General of Japan in Los Angeles

San Diego Japanese Speech Contest Committee