The Inquiry Process

PLCs and Inquiry

Professional Learning Communities in SD27 are built around common inquiries that teachers pursue collaboratively with the goal of improving the achievement of all learners. School staffs meet early in the school year to develop their 'Building Resilient Learner' Plans for the School Board. They also meet together to select an inquiry focus for the year. In most of our Elementary Schools there will be an on-going inquiry for both Primary and Intermediate teachers. In our Secondary Schools, departments may work together on an inquiry or some other team will collaborate on one. Our small, rural schools often work together on an inquiry.

Inquiry Process

SD27 has adopted the "Spirals of Inquiry" model of collaborative inquiry. In this model, educators participate in a cycle of overlapping actions that allow them to answer the questions "What is happening for our students? How do we know? Why does it matter?" While each action can be a focus, there is no specific order in which each must occur. In fact, it is likely that several actions will take place at the same time. Educators meet during the year to learn together in order to take actions which will serve students and their learning in better ways. For more specific information about the Spirals of Inquiry model, please visit: