2018 Lecture Information

Picture from:http://philosophy.ou.edu/linda-zagzebski

Professor Linda Zagzebski

Research areas:

virtue epistemology and virtue ethics, philosophy of religion and philosophical theology, epistemology, and the metaphysics of fatalism.

About Her Work:

Linda Zagzebski is George Lynn Cross Research Professor, and Kingfisher College Chair of the Philosophy of Religion and Ethics, at the University of Oklahoma. She is the pastPresident of the American Catholic Philosophical Association (1996-7), past President of the Society of Christian Philosophers (2004-7), and past President of the American Philosophical Association Central Division (2015-16). She writes in the areas of epistemology, philosophy of religion, and virtue theory.

Her most recent book, Exemplarist Moral Theory (Oxford University Press, 2017), presents a form of virtue ethics based on direct reference to moral exemplars. This book incorporates empirical literature on the emotion of admiration, on emulation, and work on the neuroscience of exemplars. It was supported by grants from the Templeton Foundation and from the Character Project at Wake Forest University. It was also the topic of her Gifford Lectures at the University of St. Andrews in October 2015. Listen to her interview on New Books in Philosophy.

Her other books include Epistemic Authority: A Theory of Trust, Authority, and Autonomy in Belief (Oxford University Press, 2012), The Dilemma of Freedom and Foreknowledge, (Oxford University Press, 1991),Virtues of the Mind (Cambridge University Press, 1996), Divine Motivation Theory (Cambridge University Press, 2004), Philosophy of Religion: An Historical Introduction (Blackwell, 2007), and On Epistemology(Wadsworth, 2008), as well as many edited books and over a hundred articles reprinted many times and translated into French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Swedish, Turkish, German, Chinese, Russian, Farsi, and Korean.

Her Aquinas Lecture, Omnisubjectivity: A Defense of a Divine Attribute, is published by Marquette University Press (2013).


Soochow Lectures, Soochow University, Taiwan, March 2018.

American Catholic Philosophical Association Aquinas Medal 2017.

Cardinal Mercier Chair at University of Leuven, Belgium, October 2017.

For honors:

Dewey Lecture of the American Philosophical Assoc Pacific Division, 2016.

President of the American Philosophical Assoc, Central Division, 2015-2016.

Gifford Lectures at the Univ of St. Andrews, 2015.

Wilde Lectures at Oxford, 2010.

Kaminski Lectures in Poland, 2011.

Romanell Lectures of Phi Beta Kappa, 2005.


John Templeton Foundation, 2013-14

Wake Forest Character Project, 2012-13

John Simon Guggenheim Foundation, 2011-2012

Lilly Fellows Program, 1998-9

Center for Philosophy of Religion, Univ of Notre Dame, Fall 1997

National Endowment for the Humanities, 1994-5

For her C. V. and informations, please click on the following URL:
