ROOT Analysis: pre school exercise

To be effective at school, where time is limited, it is necessary to install the software needed for practice and exercises beforehand. Also, you should learn some of the basics of ROOT by yourself. If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Suyong Choi ( and Prof. Tae Jeong Kim (

1. Software Installation

You will need a MACOS or LINUX environment to edit and run the analyses codes. Instructions below assume that you have a 64 bit OS.

  • Set up LINUX

If you are using Windows, it is recommended to set up a virtual machine.

    1. Download and install Virtualbox.

      1. Download Preinstalled VDI image from Download Ubuntu 14.

      2. In Virtualbox program "Create New" and then configure to use the downloaded VDI file. Configure to use at least 1 GB for the virtual machine.

  • Install ROOT

From the ROOT web site, download Root 5.34 or Root 6. ROOT 6 is recommended. You can use the precompiled binary distributions. In case you need to compile the source file, please make sure to configure with the following option to use RooFit and RooStats.

    1. ./configure --enable-roofit

    2. make

2. Become familiar with ROOT

Since this course doesn't teach you ROOT from scratch, you should spend some time learning the very basics. For this, we recommend the ROOT primer guide

Sections 1 through 4 should be read and tried on your installed software before coming to school