YAMM is now compatible with Google Sheets filters!

Post date: Jul 11, 2016 12:58:30 PM

When you start a new email campaign, you have to decide who you want to target (your customers? your prospects? only some of them?). Many people always start with the same recipient list that they clean up before starting the merge. You could also decide to send a specific message adapted to your different targets, meaning that you would do a first merge on some rows, then choose another draft to send to the remaining ones.

Until now, to segment your list, you could add a ‘0’ under the ‘Merge status’ column, and YAMM would automatically skip these rows. Though this already allowed you to correctly choose people that will / will not receive your emails, this option was not the most convenient way to do so.

Of course, the best is to simply let you filter the rows you want to send, using Google Sheets filters. And starting today, you can do just that!

Many people asked us to release such feature but until a few weeks ago, there was simply no way to do that (a feature request has been created in 2011, asking Google to provide such option). Then at Google I/O 2016, Google announced a new API to talk with Google Sheets, which let developers get & set filters on a sheet (among other things).

This is good news but far from ideal because the API only returns the filter options (eg: rows with value "Sales" in column D "Department" are hidden) not the list of rows hidden or displayed. So as a developer, you have to interpret those options to find the list of hidden rows. Thankfully the Apps Script community has a bunch of great contributors and Bruce Mcpherson released a library to handle this interpretation.

So after collaborating with different people - and negotiating (begging) with Google because it's a fairly new API, with limited quota at the moment and due to the number of users on YAMM we needed more - we are happy to release this feature for all our users.

Please consult our documentation to learn more about this new feature:
