Revision of the numeric filters in Awesome Table

Post date: Dec 18, 2015 11:23:15 AM

The Awesome Table DateFilter and NumberRangeFilter were completely re-made from scratch ! As for the Cards view, the main idea is to improve the mobile support.

What changed?

This update was the opportunity to address some long running issues and further improve the overall quality of Awesome Table. Both the NumberRangeFilter (filtering based on numeric data), and the DateFilter (filtering based on date formatted columns) are build on the same base. Here is a quick review of the improvement :

    • The filters are now really touch (mobile) friendly ! You can drag the cursors easily on a mobile without trying endlessly just to get hold of them !

    • Non-numeric/date data are detected and displayed by default : these were previously filtered out with no mean to display them.

    • The left minimum cursor will now be hollow and have default position with the same value, but allowing the display of those extra data.

For the NumberRangeFilter only, there are also other notable changes :

    • Decimal values can now be displayed, and filtered with precision

    • You can now directly input the range value below the number range filter

Note: As non-numeric value are now displayed, if you really don't want to display them you can use a query. For example to pre-filter out row containing no data in the column K, use the following query : Select * where K is not null

Find more on the query language


Here is a live demo (used for the above GIF), test those new filters now ! Try them on mobile too !