Groups Directory: From Apps Script to the Google Apps Marketplace

Post date: Feb 10, 2015 11:45:28 AM

In March 2014, I released Groups Directory, an Apps Script web app that domain administrators can install to help users find out who's member of which group.

It has been quite popular but I didn't like the release process. Basically, as this app has to be installed by the domain admin, the only solution was for each admin to copy an Apps Script code source and deploy it. This means no possibility for us to bring you updates, unless you spend the time to go back on the site, make a copy of the new code and deploy it... Google Add-ons solved that for most use cases (I've published more than 50 new versions of Yet Another Mail Merge since it is an add-on) but not for this one.

So I teamed up with Marco Tranquillin, a fellow Google Developer Expert, to port Groups Directory on App Engine. It is now an app available via the Google Apps Marketplace!


The installation process is now much more simple (admin just has to go through a few authorization screens), the app is available to all users through the App Launcher, and we have added a few new features, like autocomplete or the ability to request access a group.

We hope you'll enjoy this new version :)

The app is now available from the the Google bar

We have added autocomplete in the search bar

You can request access to a group, owners will receive a notification