A little Spring Cleaning with Sites Catalog and YAMM

Post date: Apr 03, 2015 12:3:22 PM

As an administrator of your Google Apps domain, you can use Sites Catalog to list all the Google Sites created on your domain along with 2 very useful informations for each site: the date of last update the list of owners.

François Tricot, CIO at Ceva, recently used this add-on to list all sites on the company domain, keep in the spreadsheet only the sites that haven't been updated for at least 1 year and use Yet Another Mail Merge to ask their owners to delete (or unshare) their sites if they aren't relevant anymore.

How to

As an administrator on your domain, you're able to list all sites and their owners.

You can use the formatting rules in Google Sheet to quickly view the old sites.

And you can use YAMM to send an email to each old site owner.

If you have purchased the premium version of YAMM, you can even track the emails opened.

Using Google Analytics

Note that Sites Catalog only gives you the last time a site was edited. But it could be useful to see if old sites are still visited or not. In addition to the individual Analytics tracking code owners can install on each site, remember that, as an administrator you're able to track all sites on your domain!
