2. Sharing options for each file created

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Your Google account is the owner of all the files created by Form Publisher. By default, Form Publisher offers you to automatically notify people via email. It is then up to you to specify the sharing permissions and the contacts to notify.

You can share the generated files upon form submission to any contacts, and give them various permissions, similar to the sharing permissions of any Google Doc or Google Spreadsheet: Editor / Commenter / Viewer.

You can also choose to send them a PDF, and keep that PDF in your Google Drive.

How to notify people?

Two solutions are offered to you to notify your respondents. You can use them together or independently.

Method 1: Write directly the contacts' addresses in the text box

Method 2: Use a marker

The marker can be the email address entered in one of your form fields. For example, if you have a question titled 'Email address', you can add the marker <<Email address>> to share the document with the email address submitted by the form respondent.

To add several email addresses or markers, just separate them with a comma:

Choose your sharing options

Finally, if you have asked Google Form to automatically collect the respondent's username, Form Publisher will give you the possibility to share the document created with them, and choose the type of permissions the respondent will have: View, Edit, Comment.