1. Get the right information in your document with markers

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Introduction to markers

Form Publisher creates a new document or spreadsheet every time a form is submitted, based on a pre-selected template you've chosen.

In this template, the add-on can automatically replace specific markers by data submitted through the form.

For example, if your question title is 'What's your name?', you can write <<What's your name?>> in your document/spreadsheet template to retrieve the answer to that question. It will be automatically added to the document created.

How to use markers in your template?

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you use your markers in your template from a Google Docs or a Google Sheets.

Write your form question title in a Google Form

Reuse the question title from your form

Use the proper syntax in your template: <<Question title>>

Be careful! Your marker has to match exactly your question title, respecting upper/lower cases etc.

Save and close in Form Publisher

After listing all your markers, Form Publisher will check if the markers match your question titles:

Tip: You can also use the <<Timestamp>> marker to add in the documents created date & time of the form response submission. See all available markers

Re-edition of your questions and markers

If you add or edit a question in the form, you will need to change the matching marker or add one in the template as well. And if you change anything to a marker within the template, you also have to modify the matching question title within the form.

For that purpose, click on the refresh button in the Template sidebar of Form Publisher. Refreshing will not update the markers, but simply run a check of all the markers to see if everything matchs in the form and the template.