2. Configure your date and time format

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Configure the format of your date

When you open the Template configuration sidebar, you will notice different date and time formatting options in the 'Date' marker:

Form Publisher lets you choose between different formats:

    • dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss

    • MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss

    • yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss

If you want to display the time with AM/PM settings instead of military time, just write 'hh' in lowercase, and add an 'a' in the format settings: 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm a'

→ 01/31/2015 6:30 PM

Patterns you can reuse to change your date format

Date and time formats have to follow very specific and precise patterns, formed with letters in uppercase from A to Z, and in lowercase from a to z.

Here is a table displaying the letters used to write date and time using specific formats:

See picture in full size

In general, if there are 4 (or more) pattern letters, text formatting will be applied. If it’s less than 4 letters, the text will be shortened or be recognized as a number:

EEEE → Tuesday

EEE → Tue


Type each pattern letter at least 3 times or more to display them in text format:

MMMM → September

MMM → Sep

Use as many letters as there are digits to display months in number:

MM → 09


Use 2 pattern letters to truncate the year to 2 digits:

YY → 15

Use more than 3 pattern letters to display the year completely, as a number:

YYYY → 2015

Hours and Minutes

By default, hours are displayed between 0 and 23 and minutes between 00 and 59.

Use 2 pattern letters to display hours and minutes with 2 digits:

HH:mm → 22:23

To display hours from 1 to 12, use 'hh':

hh:mm → 10:23

Add 'a' after writting patterns to precise am / pm:

HH:mm a → 10:23 PM

Read the complete documentation about date and time settings