People Directory

Easily and quickly list your Google Apps Domain users

People Directory by Awesome Table powers a pre-designed Awesome Table view as an address book or a face book that displays all Google Apps users in your domain.

Add your own customized data to each profile and get a fast and user-friendly interface to browse through and find relevant user informations, whether you are a domain admin or a domain user.

People Directory works with Google Apps domains: Google Apps for Work, Google Apps for Education and Google Apps for Government.



Why use People Directory?

People directory is a must-have when working in an organization: the add-on sets up an Awesome Table view that you can re-use on a website, an intranet, a Google Site, or even as a stand-alone web page to share to specific people. No need to have any skills in coding, the template is pre-designed.

People Directory automatically provides you with 2 standard views:

Cards view : users are listed as cards, you can click on a face to display basic or custom user informations and their location on a map

Address Book : display a list of users with a picture and a sidebar containing the user’s informations

Add Custom Informations

There are some user informations you can’t add in a classic domain users’ list; To overcome this problem, you can use People Directory. The add-on lets you add any custom information you need:

Quick and easy creation of a people directory

Enhance your visualization, improve your workflow

Create a page on your company’s intranet showing who’s who in the company and their hierarchic superior

Keep a list of school students with useful informations (emergency contacts, health issues, major / minor…)

On the town hall’s website, help visitors by displaying a contact directory of interlocutors in different departments with their office number and location within the premises


People Directory has been tested with organizations counting from 5 users to up to 50 000 users - and it works just fine!

Using People Directory with Awesome Table

The People Directory tool is built to work seamlessly with Awesome Table, a tool developed by our team. After listing users on your Google Apps Domain, the add-on automatically creates an Awesome Table view for you that displays users and their pictures. But Awesome Table is much more powerful than that. Check out the Awesome Table Documentation to learn how to use filters and set your imagination free!


The People Directory cards view displays small icons corresponding to users. By clicking on a picture, get access to the user's informations. The little map will help locating the user.

The Cards View

In a company

In a school

In the public sector

Create an interactive people directory within seconds

The Address Book View

The People Directory Address Book view displays a list of users on one side, and the user's informations in the sidebar. Just like in the Cards View, it displays a static Google Map.