Business for all: Finding help during a global health crisis

Post date: Dec 16, 2020 7:57:35 PM

Scott Tominaga, a veteran of the financial services industry and one of the leaders of PartnersAdmin, mentions that one of the most overlooked avenues toward successful entrepreneurship is to partner up with other businesses. And this rings truer today than it has ever been since many businesses suffering financial setbacks brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic need more help than ever. Scott Tominaga mentions restaurants and food establishments as the prime examples of struggling businesses. For a few months earlier this year, governments worldwide had decided to close almost everything down, cutting off cash flow to hundreds of thousands of restaurants, bars, and other food establishments everywhere. And today, some countries are shutting down once more because of the second wave of the pandemic.

However, some smaller restaurants managed to survive by partnering up with small-to-medium enterprises such as delivery services and healthcare institutions, as well as startups and nonprofits. Restauranteurs have even managed to ink deals with government agencies as regular caterers during the crisis. While Scott Tominaga mostly points out what successful restaurants have done, he also mentions that business from other industries can do the same. Retailers can help delivery services and vice-versa. Educational institutions can buy tech gadgets from retailers to facilitate homeschooling and receive discounts for bulk purchases. As Scott Tominaga says, just like in every facet of life today, people can get by helping each other. Scott Tominaga is PartnersAdmin LLC's Chief Operating Officer with nearly two decades of experience in the financial services industry. For similar reads, visit this page.