A review of investor relations and the significance of the details

Post date: Aug 18, 2021 6:20:9 PM

Scott Tominaga of PartnersAdmin LLC has always believed in the importance of investor relations or IR, which is the in-house department that exists on most medium and large public companies.

Typically, it is the IR staff's duty to regularly provide investors a comprehensive and accurate account of the company's affairs. Their work is needed in aiding both private and institutional investors to make the best decisions when buying or selling.

Some companies prefer to hire third-party firms for IR. This also greatly aids in developing marketing and sales strategies. IR departments and third-party IR teams provide the needed market intelligence that the internal management team focuses on. As Scott Tominaga has mentioned before, they interact and coordinate with established investment analysts who relay information to the public on a company's strengths as an investment option. Managing the expectations of analysts is, therefore, a key aspect of IR.

Furthermore, investor relations guarantee that any business' publicly traded stock is being traded fairly. IR teams disseminate important data that help prospective investors decide on whether a company is a good fit for their investment needs or not. This is why IR is directly linked with a company's public relations or PR arm, Scott Tominaga adds. IR teams also accomplish other tasks, including coordinating press conferences and shareholder meetings, leading financial analyst briefings, handling the public aspect in a financial crisis, and publishing regular reports to the SEC. IR departments should always be updated with government compliance requirements and regulations. PartnersAdmin LLC’s Chief Operating Officer Scott Tominaga obtained his degree in Business Finance from Arizona State University in 1988. Scott has a wide understanding of the middle and back office, accounting, compliance, and administrative functions within financial services firms. For more on Scott’s work, access this link.