How You Can Help
Public libraries are primarily supported by tax revenues, but these revenues have never been enough to provide all of the many things a good library needs. The Friends of the Scio Public Library help to obtain some of those things the city's budget can't provide. We do so through membership fees, fundraising, and direct volunteer efforts.
There are many ways to support the library through the Friends. You can--
Donate a used book, audio cd or dvd. They'll be considered for placement in the library's collection. If the library can't use them, they'll be sold at a Friends' book sale. We are currently not accepting textbooks, encyclopedias, Readers Digest books, or magazines. If you'd like to donate books, please contact us or drop off your donation to City Hall during regular business hours. Please do not use the Library return drop box.
Donate new books or a magazine subscription. Some people donate books as memorials for loved ones. Others buy a new book for the library each year. If you are considering buying a particular book or magazine for the library, please first check with the librarian, LaVonne Murray (503-394-8153, email). New gift books are identified with a special bookplate.
Make a monetary gift to the Friends, in your own name or someone else's. All donations are tax-deductible.
Join a library work party, or assist the librarian on your own, at a time that suits you.
Join the Friends. Send your check for $20 per household, or $100 for a lifetime membership, to the Friends of the Scio Public Library, P.O. Box 283, Scio, Oregon 97374. Or come to one of our meetings, on the first Monday of each month at Scio City Hall.
Did you know that our library's floor space is only 783 square feet, and that the standard size for a library in a community the size of ours is 5,000 square feet?