B) Lipids
. Lipids (Fats) : exs. fats, oils, waxes, steroids
-- lipids chiefly function in energy storage, protection, and insulation
-- contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen but the H:O is not in a 2:1 ratio
lipids tend to be large molecules -- an example of a neutral lipid is below
-- neutral lipids are formed from the union of one glycerol molecule and 3 fatty acids
3 fatty acids + glycerol ----> neutral fat (lipid)
-- fats -- found chiefly in animals
-- oils and waxes -- found chiefly in plants
-- oils are liquid at room temperature, waxes are solids
-- lipids along with proteins are key components of cell membranes
-- steroids are special lipids used to build many reproductive hormones and cholesterol