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Most of my current research is done on a computer or in a lab. That, however, does not keep me from heading into the field every chance that I get. Here are a few pictures from some of the various expeditions I have led or joined, in reverse chronological order.

May 2014-- Horned lizard (Phrynosoma), near Las Cruces, New Mexico.

May 2013-- Crotalus mitchelli, the speckled rattlesnake, rattling in Baja California.

May 2013-- Leah Cepko, Mick Song, and Daniel Dashevsky enjoying a near-life experience

on Angel de la Guarda in the Sea of Cortes.

June 2012-- A gorgeous Gila monster, just outside the mine where we found it in Arizona.

June 2012-- Daniel Dashevsky, nose to nose with a Western Diamondback, in Arizona.

July 2010-- A whale shark, the largest living species of fish, in the Sea of Cortes.

March 2010-- Speckled rattlesnake (Crotalus mitchelli) in situ in Baja California, Mexico (photo: J. Meik).

August 2009-- Diadophis punctatus in western Utah (photo: J. Meik).

November 2006-- Leading a student safari in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania.

February 2006-- Intertidal pool near Monterey Bay, CA.

May 2004-- One of several color morphs of the spectacular Rock Iguana on Allen's Key in the Bahamas.

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