The Needs of the Many, the Wealth of the Few: How Responsibility Affects Decision-Making for Others, Economics Letters (2024), 244, 111986, with Georgia Buckle and Wolfgang Luhan, @
Experimental Sustainable Finance Symposium, Report, with Sébastien Duchêne and Peiran Jiao, @ SSRN.
Reading the Market? Expectation Coordination and Theory of Mind, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2024), 219, with Te Bao, Jiaoying Pei, and Jichuan Zong, @
Non-Standard Errors, Journal of Finance (2024), Volume79, Issue3, Pages 2339-2390 with Menkveld et al. @
Does trust break even? A trust-game experiment with negative endowments, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, (2023), 103, 101982, with Jana Vyrastekova (link)
Heterogeneity of Beliefs and Trading Behavior - A reexamination, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, (2023), 1-25. with Christoph Huber, Catherine Eckel and Utz Weitzel. (link)
Testing market regulations in experimental asset markets - the case of margin purchases, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, (2022), with Tibor Neugebauer. Volume 200, 1160-1183 [], Open Access
Psychological price perception may exert a weaker effect on purchasing decisions than previously suggested: results from a large online experiment fail to reproduce either a left-digit or perceptual-fluency effect, with Achiel Fenneman, Jörn Sickmann, Carina Goldback and Thomas Pitz. PLOS ONE (2022) 17(8), e0270850
Handbook of Experimental Finance. (Ed.) with Ernan Haruvy, in Research Handbooks in Money and Finance series, Edward Elgar Publishing, link.
Experimental Finance and Financial Professionals. In Sascha Füllbrunn and Ernan Haruvy (Ed.) Handbook of Experimental Finance. with Christoph Huber, and Christian König-Kersting.
Investing other People’s Money. In Sascha Füllbrunn and Ernan Haruvy (Ed.) Handbook of Experimental Finance, with Ola Kvaløy, and Wolfgang Luhan.
Rationale and design of the Healthy Brain Study: an accessible resource for understanding the human brain and how it dynamically and individually operates in its bio-social context, PLOS ONE (2021), 16(12): e0260952. as member of the HBS Consortium,
Stock Price Level Effect, WP at SSRN, with Charlotte Borsboom (link to Working Paper)
Lying for Others: The Impact of Agency on Misreporting, Economics Letters (2021), Volume 198, 109677, with Georgia E. Buckle and Wolfgang J. Luhan
Underpricing of initial public offerings in experimental asset markets, Experimental Economics, (2020), with Andreas Nicklisch and Tibor Neugebauer. Volume 23 (4), 1002-1029 [], Open Access
Niet-bancaire kredietverlening - Een blik in de black box, Research Report for the Ministry of Finance, with Dirk-Jan Janssen and Utz Weitzel (link).
Current Issues in Decision Making for Others, Journal of Economic Psychology, (2020), with Wolfgang Luhan and Alan Sanfey. Volume 77, 102250 []
Responsibility and Limited Liability in Decision Making for Others - An experimental consideration, Journal of Economic Psychology, (2020), with Wolfgang Luhan. Volume 77, 102186 [ ] Dataset:
Chapter 7 - Experimental Economics: A Test-Bed for the Unconditional Basic Income? In Delsen, L. Empirical Research on an Unconditional Basic Income in Europe (pp. 171-199). Springer, Cham, (2019), with Lei Delsen and Jana Vyrastekova []
Individual speculative behavior and overpricing in experimental asset markets, Experimental Economics, 22(3), pp 653-675, (2019), with Dirk-Jan Janssen & Utz Weitzel) [], Open Access
Risk Aversion and Overbidding in First Price Sealed Bid Auctions: New Experimental Evidence, Economic Inquiry 57(1), pp 631-647 (2019), with Dirk-Jan Janssen & Utz Weitzel) []
Zahlungsverhalten in den Niederlanden – eine Fallstudie. In: Lempp J., Pitz T., Sickmann J. (eds) Die Zukunft des Bargelds. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden. (2018, with Carin van der Cruijsen) []
Decision Making for Others: The case of loss aversion, Economics Letters 161, pp 154-156. (2018, with Wolfgang Luhan) [ ]
Hidden vs. known gender eff.ects in experimental asset markets, Economics Letters 156, pp 7-9. (2017, with Catherine Eckel) [ ]
Differences in fairness and trust between lean and corpulent men, International Journal of Obesity, 40(11), pp 1802-1808. (2016, with Britta Kubera, Johanna Klement, Christin Wagner, Christin Rädel, Jonas Eggeling, Magdalena Kaczmarek, Rene Levinsky, & Achim Peters) []
Thar "She" blows? Gender, Competition, and Bubbles in Experimental Asset Markets, American Economic Review 105 (2), pp 906-926. (2015, with Catherine Eckel) []
The Value of a Fallback Option, Central European Journal of Operations Research 23 (2), pp 375-388. (2015, with Stefan Palan) []
Does ambiguity aversion survive in experimental asset markets?, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 107 (Part B), pp 810-826. (2014, with Holger Rau and Utz Weitzel) []
The Takeover Game, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 1, pp 85-98. (2014, with Ernan Haruvy) []
Chapter 5: The Dividend Puzzle: A Laboratory Investigation, in R. Mark Isaak, Douglas A. Norton (ed.) Experiments in Financial Economics (Research in Experimental Economics, Volume 16), pp.87-110, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. (2013, with Ernan Haruvy) []
Varying the number of bidders in the first-price sealed-bid auction: experimental evidence for the one-shot game, Theory and Decision 75(3), pp 421-447. (2013, with Tibor Neugebauer) [ ]
Limited Liability, Moral Hazard and Risk Taking - A Safety Net Game Experiment, Economic Inquiry 51 (2), pp 1389-1403. (2013, with Tibor Neugebauer) []
Sudden Termination Auctions - An Experimental Study, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 21 (2), pp 519-540. (2012, with Karim Sadrieh) []
Collusion or Sniping in simultaneous ascending Auctions - A Prisoner's Dilemma, International Game Theory Review 13 (1), pp 75-82 [ ]
Trust and Trustworthiness in Anonymous Virtual Worlds, Journal of Media Economics 24 (1), pp 48-63. (2011, with Katherina Richwien and Karim Sadrieh) []
Anonymity deters collusion in hard-close auctions: experimental evidence, New Zealand Economics Papers 43 (2), Special Issue: Laboratory experiments in economics, finance and political science, pp 131-148. (2009, with Tibor Neugebauer) [ ]
Die Candle Auktion - Eine experimentelle Analyse, Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. fur Wirtschaftswiss., Diss., (2009) []