B.主軸師資 Faculty

藤原 大 Dai Fujiwara 日本當代知名服裝設計師(前三宅一生設計總監)

「創造新的東西很簡單,要延續概念與理念卻很難」 by Dai Fujiwara

藤原大(Dai Fujiwara)畢業於日本多摩美術大學染織學系,1994年加入三宅一生(Issey Miyake)設計工作室。三宅一生具有豐富創造力與藝術品味,他的設計常讓人思索「服裝與人體間的關係」,用色鮮豔大膽,被認為是代表未來新方向的設計師,而藤原大則可被譽為品牌精神的貫徹實行者,他非常重視環保與下一代永續發展生存的議題,也常思索如何透過設計對社會更有貢獻。

1998年Issey Miyake巴黎秋冬秀上,藤原大師法美國康乃爾大學教授William Thurston所提出的「托普學」(Topology)所提出數學幾何原理為出發點,發表「A-POC—一塊布製造衣服」的概念,強調宇宙間的各種形狀都有幾何原理可循,創造出強調線條、拼接與曲線的服裝。「A-POC」是藤原大為Issey Miyake品牌提出的最重要概念,當時他與三宅一生共同發想,在環保與人類穿著間找尋平衡,而A-POC意謂「A piece of cloth」,在一塊布料上完成整件衣服,以減少布料的浪費,也強調穿著者可恣意選擇長短與款式,藤原大以此贏得了2000年優秀設計獎(Good Design Award)與2003年的每日設計獎(Mainichi Design Award),2006年10月藤原大被任命為三宅一生品牌創意總監。


學歷 Education

日本多摩美術大學染織學系織品設計學士(BA in Textile Design degree in Dyeing and Weaving Course/ Tama Art University

經歷 Chronology (1989-2011)

l Self-Studied and works for architect / steel reinforced+light-weight thermo concrete

l China Central Academy of Fine Art / Land Scape drawing with Chinese painting and Calligraphy

l Graduated from Tama Art University

l Joined the Miyake Design Studio as a member of the ISSEY MIYAKE Paris collection team.

l Started A-POC project with Mr. Issey Miyake/ (Design-Engineering)

l Appointed as a member of the board of director of Miyake Design Studio.

l Architectural project "House of the Sun" began.

l Appointed Vice president of Miyake Design Studio.

l Appointed Creative Director for ISSEY MIYAKE,ISSEY MIYAKE MEN,ISSEY MIYAKE FETE brand.


獲獎 PRIZE & OTHERS (Japan)

l Good Design Grand Prize for ‘A-POC’.

l Mainichi Design Award

展演 A-POC EXHIBITION & OTHERS (1998-2007)

l Berlin/"A-POC MAKING: ISSEY MIYAKE & DAI FUJIWARA" exhibition at Vitra Design Museum

l Tokyo/"What is this? A-POC - Miyake Issey + Fujiwara Dai-" at AXIS Gallery

l Permanent collection at in MOMA

教學 LECTUER & OTHERS ( 2003-2011)

l Boston/Harvard GSD

l Helsinki/Alva Aalto Design Seminar

l Moscow/ Moscow University

l Sao Paulo/ Museum of Modern Art Sao Paulo

l Cape Town/ Design Conference "DESIGN INDABA "

l London/ RCA

l Amsterdam/ ArtEZ/ Design conference “Color in Time”

l Seoul/ The World Knowledge Forum

l Melbourne/ RMIT

l Taiwan/ Shih Chien University

l Hong Kong/Business of Design Week ,and Japan more.