An efficient Timer for Delphi and Freepascal

Efficient Timer for Delphi and Freepascal


It's a timer by Amine Moulay Ramdane based  on TSC Pentium register and on RDTSCP that is portable to Windows and Linux and Mac OSX.

You can go to download the zip files by clicking on the following web link:

Language: FPC Pascal v2.2.0+ / Delphi 5+:

Required FPC switches: -O3 -Sd

-Sd for delphi mode....

Required Delphi XE-XE7 and Tokyo switch: -$H+ 

You can configure it as follows from inside file:

{$DEFINE CPU32} and {$DEFINE Windows32} for 32 bit systems

{$DEFINE CPU64} and {$DEFINE Windows64} for 64 bit systems

- Platform: Windows, Unix and Linux (on x86)