A portable and efficient implementation of a future in Delphi and FreePascal

A portable and efficient implementation of a future in Delphi and FreePascal version 1.32

Author: Amine Moulay Ramdane.


A "future" is an object that promises to provide a value sometime in the future. The value is computed in a background thread. When the application needs the value, it requests the value from the future--if the future isn't done, the application waits until the value is ready. 

I have also added support for exceptions, so you have to know that programming with futures is asynchronous programming, but so that to be robust , the future implementation has to deal correctly with "exceptions", so in my implementation of a future when an exception is raised inside the future you will receive the exception, so i have implemented two things: The HasException() method so that to detect the exception from inside the future, and the exception and its address is returned as a string in the ExceptionStr property, and my implementation of a future does of course support passing parameters as a pointer to the future, also my implementation of a future works in Windows and Linux.

All the synchronization issues are hidden from the application. 

Use the TFuture class by deriving a new class that overrides the Compute method. 

I have provided you with a demo inside the zip file, please look at it inside testfuture.pas file.

You can go to download the zip files from:


Language: FPC Pascal v2.2.0+ / Delphi 5+: http://www.freepascal.org/

Required FPC switches: -O3 -Sd 

-Sd for delphi mode.... 

Required Delphi XE-XE7 and Tokyo switch: -$H+ -DXE

You can configure it as follows from inside defines.inc file:

{$DEFINE CPU32} and {$DEFINE Windows32} for 32 bit systems

{$DEFINE CPU64} and {$DEFINE Windows64} for 64 bit systems

- Platform:  Windows, Unix and Linux (x86)