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I am currently a System Performance Engineer in Optical Lithography Imaging at ASML in The Netherlands.

I was a Postdoc Researcher at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) from 2016 to 2018. I worked in Delphi4LED project under ECSEL JU programme of EU Commission. From 2012 to 2016, I was a PhD Scholar at TU/e under Prof. Wil Schilders and Asst. Prof. Joseph Maubach. I defended my PhD Thesis in 2016 at TU/e. Prior to my PhD I worked as a Math Lecturer at CST and PCE in Bhutan.

Email: sangye30@gmail(dot)com

Research Interest Areas

  • Numerical Linear Algebra

  • Sparse Matrix Computations - Indefinite Linear Systems

  • Scientific Computing

  • Compact Modelling - Model Order Reductions

  • Data Analysis




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