Workshops & seminars


  • 2022.12.19-22 Mehrdad Kalantar (University of Houston): Boundary actions and applications in rigidity of group C*-algebras (작용소 겨울학교)

  • 2022.12.05 Bang Xu (서울대학교): Quantitative mean ergodic inequalities: power bounded operators acting on one noncommutative Lp space (작용소세미나)

  • 2022.11.30 이훈희 (서울대학교): Weak (operator) amenability of (quantum) group algebras: revisited (작용소세미나)

  • 2022.11.23 이우영 (서울대학교): Circle companions of Hardy classes (작용소세미나)

  • 2022.11.19 제 2회 서울대학교 수학교육과 국제 심포지엄

박진영 (Stanford University): Introduction to random graphs, and some recent results thresholds

Lina Li (University of Waterloo): Graph colorings and the probabilistic method

Gwen McKinley (University of California San Diego): Getting started with random graphs

석진명 (서울대학교): Why do we learn Calculus? Invitation to Differential equations and Analysis

서성미 (충남대학교): Universality in random matrix theory

  • 2022.11.16 Ami Viselter (University of Haifa): L\'evy processes on quantum groups and examples (작용소세미나)

  • 2022.11.07 Fatemeh Khosravi (서울대학교): Co-amenable quantum homogeneous spaces of compact Kac quantum groups (작용소세미나)

  • 2022.10.31 Nico Spronk (University of Waterloo): A survey talk on amenable Banach algebras, noting C*-algebras, and focusing on algebras of harmonic analysis (작용소세미나)

  • 2022.10.26 Ian Charlesworth (Cardiff University): Free Probability, Regularity, and Free Stein Dimension (작용소세미나)

  • 2022.10.12 윤상균 (서울대학교): Haagerup inequalities on non-Kac free orthogonal quantum groups (작용소세미나)

  • 2022.10.05 박상준 (서울대학교): A universal framework for entanglement detection of invariant quantum states (작용소세미나)

  • 2022.09.21 Guixiang Hong (Wuhan University): An overview on noncommutative maximal inequalities (작용소세미나)

  • 2022.09.14 한경훈 (수원대학교): Lattices arising from multi-partite quantum entanglement (작용소세미나)

  • 2022.05.26,27,30,31 이기현 (Max Planck Institue for Mathematics): Index theorems in noncommutative geometry (집중강연)

Lecture 1: Cyclic cohomology

Lecture 2: The Connes-Chern character and Connes’ index formula

Lecture 3: The Atiyah-Singer index theorem and the classical limit in quantum mechanics

Lecture 4: The local index formula in noncommutative geometry

  • 2022.05.25 Sven Raum (Stockholm University): Simplicity and the ideal intersection property for essential groupoid C*-algebras (작용소세미나)

  • 2022.05.18 남경식 (KAIST): Optimal transport theory in free probability (작용소세미나)

  • 2022.05.16-17 조정효 (서울대학교)

주제 1. 데이터의 정보기하

주제 2. 정보기하와 선형회귀

주제 3. 선형회귀와 시계열데이터

  • 2022.05.11 Xiao Xiong (Harbin Institute of Technology): Schatten properties of quantum derivatives on quantum tori (작용소세미나)

  • 2022.05.02 이현호 (울산대학교): Duality in actions and inclusions (작용소세미나)

  • 2022.04.20 Runlian Xia (University of Glasgow): Hilbert transforms for groups acting on R-trees (작용소세미나)

  • 2022.04.13 Haonan Zhang (Institute of Science and Technology Austria): Lp-Lq Fourier multipliers on locally compact quantum groups (작용소세미나)

  • 2022.04.06 지홍창(Institute of Science and Technology Austria): Free probability and random matrices (작용소세미나)

  • 2022.03.30 이상혁(서울대학교): Maximal estimates for averages over space curves (작용소세미나)

  • 2022.03.23 Martijn Caspers(Technische Universiteit Delft): Local and multilinear noncommutative de Leeuw theorems (작용소세미나)

  • 2022.03.16 Xumin Wang (서울대학교): Pointwise convergence of noncommutative Fourier series (작용소세미나)

  • 2022.01.24,25,27,28 권혁준 (고등과학원): Quantum information theory in optics (집중강연)

Lecture 1: Quantum theory of harmonic oscillator

Lecture 2: Quantum phase space

Lecture 3: Quantum information processing with light

Lecture 4: Quantum computation/Prospects


  • 2021.12.15-2021.12.18 지운식(충북대학교): Quantum Stochastic Calculus (작용소 겨울학교)

  • 2021.12.6,8,10,13 Ion Nechita (Laboratoire de Physique Théorique in Toulouse, France): Lectures on random matrix theory (집중강연)

  • 2021.11.24 Bang Xu (서울대학교): Matrix-valued maximal Calder\'on-Zygmund operators and applications (작용소세미나)

  • 2021.11.17 박상준(서울대학교): Gaussian states and channels over general quantum kinematical systems (작용소세미나)

  • 2021.11.10 Éric Ricard (Université de Caen Normandie): Schur and Fourier multipliers on noncommutative Lp (작용소세미나)

  • 2021.11.03 Christian Voigt (University of Glasgow): The Bost-Connes system and C*-categories (작용소세미나)

  • 2021.10.27 Akihiro Miyagawa (Kyoto University): Rationality for operators obtained from free semicircular elements (작용소세미나)

  • 2021.10.13 Yuhei Suzuki (Hokkaido University): Noncommutative amenable actions: characterizations, applications, and new examples (작용소세미나)

  • 2021.10.06 Magdalena Musat (University of Copenhagen): Around the Connes embedding problem: from operator algebras to groups and quantum information theory (작용소세미나)

  • 2021.09.29 Karen Strung(Czech Academy of Science): Minimal dynamical systems, C*-algebras, and the classification program (작용소세미나)

  • 2021.09.17,19,24,26 Isaac Kim (UC Davis): Quantum error correction (집중강연)

Lecture 1: Basics of quantum error correction: Density matrix, quantum channel, Shor's 9-qubit code

Lecture 2: Stabilizer code: Basic formalism, Shor's 9-qubit code revisited, Toric code

Lecture 3: Toric code: Relation to topology, threshold, fault-tolerant error correction, brief survey of LDPC codes

Lecture 4: Fault-tolerant logic gates, Universal Gate set, Pauli, Clifford, Magic state

  • 2021.06.02 Éric Ricard (French National Centre for Scientific Research): Sums of free variables in symmetric spaces (작용소세미나)

  • 2021.05.26 이기현 (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics): Approximation numbers, entropy numbers and their applications to noncommutative tori (작용소세미나)

  • 2021.05.12 류경석 (서울대학교): Functional analytical techniques in the analysis of infinitely wide neural networks (작용소세미나)

  • 2021.04.23 Jason Crann (Carleton University): Amenable systems through Herz-Schur multipliers (초청강연)

  • 2021.04.21 계승혁 (서울대학교): Polytope structures for Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger diagonal states (작용소세미나)

  • 2021.04.14 Yusuke Isono (Kyoto University): Boundary and rigidity of nonsingular Bernoulli actions (작용소세미나)

  • 2021.04.07 Roland Vergnioux (Université de Caen): Furstenberg boundary for discrete quantum groups (작용소세미나)

  • 2021.03.31 Haonan Zhang (IST Austria): Concavity of certain trace functionals and applications to data processing inequalities (작용소세미나)

  • 2021.03.24 Aidan Sims (University of Wollongong): Type semigroups of ample groupoids, and a purely-infinite/stably-finite dichotomy (작용소세미나)

  • 2021.03.17 Benoît Collins (Kyoto University): A metric characterization of freeness (작용소세미나)

  • 2021.02.25 한경훈 (수원대학교): 수학도를 위한 인공신경망 II (초청강연)

  • 2021.02.18 한경훈 (수원대학교): 수학도를 위한 인공신경망 (초청강연)

  • 2021.02.04 Fatemeh Khosravi (Seoul National University): Idempotent states on cancellative quantum semigroups (연구세미나)

  • 2020.12.03-04 Michael Brannan (Texas A&M University): Quantum graphs and quantum Cuntz-Krieger algebras

  • 2020.11.28 Li Gao (Texas A&M University): Complete logarithmic Sobolev inequality via Ricci curvature bounded below