Unit 3 - Cellular Processes

Osmosis 1-2.docx

Pg 1-2

What is Osmosis (Amoeba Sisters) 3-5.docx

Pg 3-5

Osmosis Potatoes 6.docx

Pg 6

Osmosis in Cells Lab Review 7.docx

Pg 7

Osmosis in Cells 8-9.docx

Pg 8-9

Diffusion 10-12.docx

Pg 10-12

Diffusion Through a Membrane Review 13.docx

Pg 13

Types of Transport 14-15.docx

Pg 14-15

Osmosis Pogil 16-17.docx

Pg 16-17

Diffusion & Osmosis Lab Bench 18-19.docx

Pg 18-19

Molecule Sizes.docx

Pg 20-21

Photosynthesis 19-21.docx

Pg 22-24

Photosynthesis Variables 22-24.docx

Pg 25-27

Photosynthesis & Respiration 29-30.docx

Pg 28-30

Types of Respiration.docx

Pg 31