Boy Scouts Geology Merit Badge

"Geology is the study of Earth. It includes the study of materials that make up Earth, the processes that change it, and the history of how things happened, including human civilization, which depends on natural materials for existence. "

As a life-long Boy Scout and former Scout Master myself, I would like to offer the chance for Scouts to work with me to receive their Geology Merit Badge. Formally known as Rocks and Minerals, this badge is of the elective merit badges required to earn the William T. Hornaday awards for Boy Scouts. It is awarded to Scouts who have met the requirements established by the Boy Scouts Requirements Handbook (2019). Scouts who share a curiosity for the subject are invited to learn about fossils, types of rocks and minerals, natural Earth processes, and more: all from a trained and experienced geologist.

I have extensive experience working with young geology enthusiasts, students, and Scouts. I have volunteered to speak to my own children's classes at various career days and science fairs, as well as provided internships for emerging professionals in the field. For more information on my experiences, please view my Resume under the Qualifications tab. To contact me regarding the Geology Merit Badge, please send me an email at or call me at 678-237-7329.