Salvino Enviornmental Services LLC

678-237-7329 |

What We Do

Salvino Environmental Services, LLC provides technical and field support services to remediation contractors. Additionally, we provide supplemental geological and environmental field support services as companies bridge the labor and human resource gaps between their current available staff resources and their project work load. Should you or your company be in need of field staff to install monitoring wells, complete soil borings or collect surface soil, subsurface soil groundwater or waste material samples, you can call on Salvino Environmental Services, LLC for short or long term projects.

More more information, contact John at: 678-237-7329 |

Meet John

In May 2009, I had the opportunity to start my own small business using the skills acquired during my years studying geology and hydro-geology at undergraduate and graduate school, and during my 25-year career as a geologist in the environmental consulting industry. My father once told me it takes three years before you start to see any dividends.

Since then, I have had growing success working with some steady and loyal clients. Clients who have challenged me to work hard but have never questioned my intentions. It is truly wonderful to know that there are people who want to hear the facts, good or bad, so that they can make good decisions. This year, I and my family are fortunate to celebrate ten years of delivering quality environmental service, and we are looking forward to the next.