The UniBg Winter Workshop

Since 2016, with Mariarosa Battaggion, Raffaele Fiocco, Marcello Puca, Flavio Porta, and Gianmaria Martini, we've been hosting and will persist in doing so, annually every December, the UniBg Winter Workshop. This initiative, supported by the Econ department of UniBg, welcomes young and senior researchers working in IO and applied theory. We aim to foster collaboration and disseminate high-quality research among a lively community of colleagues and friends who assemble yearly in the scenic Passo del Tonale. Here, we exchange ideas, offer constructive feedback, discuss future research, and also engage in the UniBg GS race on the stunning slopes of the Alps with the help of our fantastic ski trainers (Luca and Nicola).

Everyone interested is welcome! The sole prerequisite is a collaborative spirit (ego, arrogance, conflicts, vanity, and personal issues are not admitted here) that aligns with the inclusive spirit of our enduring circle of friends, which originated in undergraduate and graduate classes and now flourishes through the progression of our students and young co-authors. Ultimately, this workshop is organized with them in mind, hoping they will carry forward this tradition, amplifying the voices of forthcoming generations of European economists spanning both sides of the Atlantic!

A special thank goes to Patrick Rey, Alessandro Lizzeri, Alessandro Bonatti, Daniele Condorelli, Alessandro Gavazza, Matt Mitchell, Volker Nocke, Marco Pagnozzi, Nicola Persico, Joe Perkins, Sandro Shelegia, Balazs Szentes, for traveling miles to be there regularly and supporting the youngsters! 

Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you are interested in joining next year!!!!!


Some pictures....

Some other participants over the years: Simon Anderson, Andrea Attar, Alberto Bennardo, Federico Boffa, Laura Abrardi, Sara Auster, Pierpaolo Battigalli, Paolo Bertoletti, Michele Bisceglia, Ozlem Bedre-De Foie, Emilio Zanetti Chini, Eloisa Campioni, Emilio Calvano, Giacomo Calzolari, Evan Chaloti, Valentino Dardanoni, Vincenzo Denicolo', Alex De Cornier, Misha Drugov, Federico Etro, Franceco Fallucchi, Chiara Fumagalli, Dino Gerardi, Andrea Gualini, Sander Heinsalu, Elisabetta Iossa, Maarten Janssen, Bruno Jullien, Heiko Karle, Nenad Kos, Gerard Llobet, David Martimort, Annamaria Menichini, Leonardo Madio, Ester Manna, Andrea Mantovani, Eeva Mauring, Chiara Margaria, Claudia Meroni, Ignacio Monzon, Joao Montez, Massimo Motta, Dan O'Brian, Marco Ottaviani, Alessio Piccolo, Michele Polo, Maria Grazia Romano, Yossi Spiegel, Paolo Ramezzana, Markus Reisinger, Francesco Sannino, Elia Sartori, Pekka Saaskilati, Nico Schutz, Emanuele Tarantino, Giovanni Ursino, Shiva Shekhar, Utha Schonemberg, Marta Troya, Federico Vaccari...and more to come...